See also: oh em gee and Oh Em Gee






  1. Alternative form of oh em gee
    • 2008, Vicki Courtney, 5 Conversations You Must Have with Your Daughter, B&H Publishing Group, →ISBN, page 17:
      In the dressing room next to her, a young lady yelled to her friend, "Oh-em-gee! I am so fat! I can't fit into these size zeros. Will you go get me a size two?" Seriously, I wanted to crawl under the door of that dressing room and feed the girl a cheeseburger.
    • 2009, Jodi Della Femina, Sheri McInnis, By Invitation Only, St. Martin's Press, →ISBN, page 192:
      "Oh-em-gee!" says Anna with her mouth full. "That is delicious!"
    • 2011, Wendy Wunder, The Probability of Miracles[1], Razorbill, →ISBN:
      "Oh-em-gee," said Perry. Izanagi had their mom pressed up against the car as he kissed her with way too much tongue. "We are your children," she whined. "Just get your sayonaras over with already."
    • For more quotations using this term, see Citations:oh-em-gee.