Estonian edit

Etymology edit

From Proto-Finnic *peijeh, probably from Proto-Indo-Iranian *paiyas, or alternatively from Proto-Germanic *faigijaz. Compare Old Norse feigr (near death) and Sanskrit वाजपेय (vāja-péya, ritual drink when sacrificing, potion of strength). Cognate with Finnish peijaiset, peijaat, and Karelian peijahat.

Noun edit

peied (genitive peiede, partitive peiesid)

  1. wake (a party held in the honour of the dead, after a funeral)

Declension edit

Declension of peied (ÕS type 16/pere, no gradation)
singular plural
nominative peied
accusative nom.
genitive peiede
partitive peiesid
illative peiedesse
inessive peiedes
elative peiedest
allative peiedele
adessive peiedel
ablative peiedelt
translative peiedeks
terminative peiedeni
essive peiedena
abessive peiedeta
comitative peiedega