




  1. The phase of a two-phase circadian rhythm associated with light and expenditure of energy.
    Coordinate term: skotophil
    • 1975, Science progress - Volume 62, page 120:
      It will be seen that light at one phase of the rhythm promoted flowering, and at the other phase inhibited it; thus there was a distinct manifestation of photophil and skotophil phases.
    • 2010, Randy J. Nelson, David L. Denlinger, David E. Somers, Photoperiodism: The Biological Calendar, →ISBN, page 12:
      Short-day effects were seen to result when light was restricted to the photophil, while long-day effects were produced when light encroached into scotophil (figure 1.2).
    • 2013, Beatrice M. Sweeney, Rhythmic Phenomena in Plants, →ISBN, page 118:
      He postulated that light falling on the plant in the scotophil phase would inhibit flowering, and in the photophil phase, enhance flower production.