



From propose +‎ -ment.



proposement (plural proposements)

  1. Something that is proposed; a proposal.
    • 1864, James Crocker, “Conclusion”, in A New Proposal for a Geographical System of Measures and Weights [], London and Cambridge: Macmillan and Co., page 140:
      Some arrangement, to which it is desirable that some members of the government, or at least of parliament, should be parties—which arrangement ought to include a proper number of practical persons, but not a preponderance of men of theoretical science or of scientific repute, nor any who can be interested in making the matter a means of office, gain, expense, or delay—must be entered into with a view to decide upon the means to be adopted, of calling the attention of all the members of the legislature to what concerns the convenience of all at home and abroad, and which cannot fail to be understood by all and by themselves; who are in duty bound not to give up what is evident for what is only argument, nor to yield their opinions to conjectural inferences derived from mere assumptions and syllogisms, or to arguments which have evidence of nothing but that they are inconclusive: nor, in this matter which all can well understand, to assent to assertions or proposements which will not carry the clear conviction of all along with them.
    • 1874 November 28, “Biggs’ Picnic. “Post Mortem.””, in Pacific Rural Press, volume VIII, number 22, San Francisco, Calif., page 342, column 3:
      But Mrs. B. was a little bit jealous, as she imagined the last toaster was “forcibly engulating her peculiar proposement.”
    • 1876 December 20, Cora Williams, quotee, “Testimony of Cora Williams”, in Report of Committees of the State of the United States for the Second Session of the Forty-Fourth Congress, Washington, D.C.: Government Publishing Office, published 1877, page 94:
      Mr. Theobald made that proposement himself.
    • 1879 January 8, “The Limekiln Club. [From the Detroit Free Press.]”, in Republic County Journal, volume 2, number 2, whole 54, Scandia, Kan., section “Communications”, page 2, column 1:
      Hopin’, gen’elmen, dis proposement will meet wid your ’probation an’ aptionment, I have de honorableness to subscriptionably sine, / “Reverend R. Haywood. / “Weimar, Colorado Co., Texas.”
    • 1898 June 28, “End Is Afar Off: []”, in The Kansas City Journal, volume XLI, Kansas City, Mo., page 3, column 5:
      Following Mr. Clay’s speech, Mr. Roach delivered a carefully prepared argument against the annexation proposement.
    • 1912 August 2, “Caucus on Battleships”, in The Birmingham News: [], volume XXV, number 121, Birmingham, Ala., page 13, column 1:
      Alarmed at the growing strength of the two battle-shop proposement in the house, democratic leaders last night issued a call for still another caucus on the naval appropriation bill which will take place Tuesday night.
    • 1924 April 30, “Agreement Likely Over Immigration: To Delay Effective Date of Asiatic Provision Till July 1 to Permit Diplomatic Exchange”, in The Barre Daily Times, volume XXVIII, number 39, Barre, Vt., page 1, column 3:
      The president, Secretary Hughes, Senator Reed, Republican, Pennsylvania, who directed the bill through the Senate, and other congressional leaders, have held a number of conferences on the question in the last few days and word was taken to the White House late yesterday that the Senate and House conferees could be expected to reach a decision on the proposement within 24 hours.
    • 1926 June 10, “Another “Close Up” Of Washington: []”, in Kansas Farm Journal: [], volume 7, number 10, Manhattan, Kan., page 1, column 2:
      Its proposements have been subjected to the most searching cross examination and caustic criticism.
    • 1928 May 15, “Earlham Notes”, in The Richmond Item, number 112, Richmond, Ind., page 11, column 6:
      The student assembly this year was particularly important because there was a proposement of a new purpose.
    • 1932 April 29, Robert G. Simmons, “Statement on Adjusted Compensation”, in The Crawford Tribune, volume 45, number 18, Crawford, Neb., page 6, column 3:
      The proposements of the Patman Bill insist on the maintenance of the admission of the claim by the Government, but try to reject the terms of settlement by which that admission was secured.
    • 1948 January 8, “Dr. M. L. Miller Presents “Your Army Today” To Lions Club At Monday Meeting”, in The Wetumpka Herald, volume XLIX, number 28, Wetumpka, Ala., page 4, column 5:
      The proposement was voted unanimously ⸺down.
    • 1949 January 5, “Junior Town Meeting Held At Local High School Assembly”, in Pottsville Republican: Schuylkill County’s Greatest Newspaper, volume CXXVII, number 56, Pottsville, Pa., page 6, column 5:
      Following the proposements, question were asked by the student body.
    • 1959 November 5, “Supervisors’ Proceedings”, in The Record, volume 28, number 33, Greenville, Calif., page 8, column 6:
      The Board concurred with the proposement.
    • 1960 February 4, “Group Proposed”, in Delaware County Daily Times, Chester, Pa., page 23, columns 7–8:
      Such activities under proposement by the assembly were volley ball, hockey, football, baseball, soccer etc., in fact anything that may be of interest to the ones concerned.
    • 1962 March 15, J. L. Kimbro, “Views of the News”, in The Florala News, Florala, Ala., page 7, column 4:
    • 1964, George Johnson, My Brother Jack: A Novel, London: The Reprint Society, page 165:
      I have talked together with Mr. Denton, und he vill tell you our proposement.
    • 1971 May 4, “Yucaipa water district plan to go to voters”, in Redlands Daily Facts, Redlands, Calif., page 4, column 3:
      Ira Pace again led the proposements, stating that the area was experiencing bad-tasting water but that the present agencies lacked the necessary muscle to install measures to improve water quality.
    • 1992, “Subject Index”, in S[tephen] P. Lapage, P[eter] H[enry] A[ndrews] Sneath, E. F. Lessel, V. B. D. Skerman, H. P. R. Seeliger, W. A. Clark (1990 revision), P[eter] H[enry] A[ndrews] Sneath (1992 edition), editors, International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria []: Bacteriological Code: 1990 Revision, Washington, D.C.: [] for the International Union of Microbiological Societies by the American Society for Microbiology, →ISBN, →LCCN, page 180, column 1:
      Formal proposement of a neotype
    • 2004 September 8, Meggen Lindsay, quoting Will Smith Jr., “Council stamps $112M budget”, in The Times, Munster, Ind., page A12, column 4:
      We took the ’05 budget proposements and reverted back to ’04 budgets.
    • 2014 April 20, Rich James, “Keister eggs from our scrambled politics”, in The Times, Munster, Ind., page A3, column 4:
      Former Lake County Councilman Will Smith Jr. Smith at one point was council dean and looked upon himself as a statesman, so much so that he made up words. He could be heard during meetings questioning the “beneficialness” of a “proposement” and wondering if it would be “signitized.”

Middle French




From proposer +‎ -ment.



proposement m (plural proposements)

  1. This term needs a translation to English. Please help out and add a translation, then remove the text {{rfdef}}.
    • c. 1504, Georges Chastellain, Jean Molinet, “Comment la remonstrance que fist l’évesque de Tournay fût reprinse assez aigrement”, in J[ean]-A[lexandre] Buchon, editor, Chronique des ducs de Bourgogne (Collection des chroniques nationales françaises écrites en langue vulgaire du XIIIe au XVIe siècle; volume XLII), volume I, Paris: Verdière, [], published 1827, page 59:
      De cest avis donné ainsy, se fist noter et reprendre beaucoup ledist évesque, lequel trop au précis et à l’estroit, sans regarder aux circonstances ne au faisable de la chose, alloit trop droit et avant, et ne regardoit pas à ce que les humains proposements en bien se représentent devant Dieu en la nature de leur bonne affection, et que Dieu ne veult pas obligier l’homme oultre ce qui est de sa puissance, et de fruit en ce qu’il emprend.
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    • 1546, “Sainct Paul”, in La Bible en francoys, second volume, chapter i., folio cxcvii., verso, column 2:
      Il nous predeſtina en adoption de filz par Ieſuchriſt en luy ſelon propoſement de ſa voulente de la louenge de la gloire de ſa grace en laquelle il noꝰ glorifie en ſon ayme filz auquel nous auons racheptement par ſon ſang & remiſſiõ des pechez ſelon les richeſſes de ſa grace qui habonde en nous en toute ſapience & en prudẽce,​ce quil nous fait aſſcauoir ꝑ le ſacrement de ſa voulente ſelon le plaiſir quil pro poſa en luy en diſpenſation de plante de temps inſtaurer toutes choſes en Chriſt,​qui ſont en ciel & en terre.
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