

Alternative forms




standard issue (not comparable)

  1. (of a piece of equipment) Regularly and conventionally distributed by an organization (for instance, to its personnel); for regular usage; not specialized.
    All employees of this company gets a standard issue laptop, but those in the art department get a more powerful model.
    • 2020 May 27, Kieran Yates, “Fifteen years of TV dinners: why Come Dine With Me has endured”, in The Guardian[1], →ISSN:
      While we have long endured the sneering tone in discussions about council homes with “ugly” fire doors, and standard-issue gas heaters hastily turned into MDF fireplaces on home-makeover shows, CDWM explores a subtler classism.
  2. (by extension, derogatory) Not special or remarkable; conventional.
    • 2016 January 7, Peter Bradshaw, “A War review – standard issue Afghan war drama”, in the Guardian[2], →ISSN:
      Standard-issue liberal guilt and hand-wringingly uninteresting dilemmas are the order of the day, with no real surprises or challenges.

See also
