



From super- +‎ bombardment.


  • IPA(key): /suːpəɹˈbɒmˌbɑːdmənt/



superbombardment (plural superbombardments)

  1. (rare) A very severe bombardment.
    • 1946, American Journal of Physiology, Volume 145[1], American Physiological Society, page 12:
      This superactivity sustains a superbombardment of the respiratory center.
    • 1966, The Current Digest of the Soviet Press, Volume 18[2], American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, page 34:
      In the apt expression of Fortune, while the cannon remain silent, a "superbombardment of brains" is going on.
    • 1972, John Drescher, Gospel Herald (1972: January-June)[3], Mennonite Publishing House, page 74:
      Maybe our people have recovered somewhat from the sermonic superbombardments they used to get on this subject.
    • 2012, Frederick Ernest Whitton, The History of the Prince of Wales's Leinster Regiment - Volume 2[4], Naval & Military Press, →ISBN, page 120:
      Wishing to give his troops a wider experience of an attack against entrenchment, and being desirous of ascertaining the effect of a superbombardment by artillery he delivered an attack on Neuve Chapelle with his First Army.
    • 2015, Keith Ayling, Bombers[5], Tannenberg Publishing, →ISBN, page 5:
      The minutes of that conference may never be made public, bue we know that heaven-sent inspiration and belief in the axiom, "if you intend to do a thing, do it well," which ever British school boy writes in his earlies copybook, R.A.F laid plans for the superbombardment of Europe by asking the British aircraft industry to construct four-engined bombers, armed and armored each to carry some eight tons of bombs over a 2000-mile range.