See also: tóxo and toxo-





toxo (uncountable)

  1. (informal, pathology) Toxoplasmosis.





From Old Galician-Portuguese tojo, from a substrate *toju or similar,[1] from *togio or *toio, from Proto-Indo-European *(s)tey- or *(s)teyg- (to be sharp, to stab), whence Latin stilus and English stick and thistle;[2] compare Portuguese tojo, Asturian toxu, Occitan toujo.





toxo m (plural toxos)

  1. gorse, furze (Ulex europaeus)
    A raíz do toxo verde é moi mala de arrincar; os amoriños primeiros son moi malos de olvidar (folk song)
    Green gorse stump is so hard to unroot; first love is so hard to forget
    • 1409, J. L. Pensado Tomé, editor, Tratado de Albeitaria, Santiago de Compostela: Centro Ramón Piñeiro, page 67:
      se vsaren cauallgar en el por toios ou por llugares asperos a esto semellauijs, ven o Cauallo vsado a saltar et andar porllos llugares sobreditos, alçara as coixas et os pees mais apostamente pollos outros llugares
      if they happen to ride in [the horse] through gorses or through rough places similar to that, and the horse is used to jump and walk by the aforementioned places, then he will raise the thighs and the feet more handsomely when in other places
    Synonyms: árgoma, toxo arnal
  2. dwarf gorse, dwarf furze (Ulex minor)
    Synonyms: toxo gateño, toxo molar
  3. (figurative) sourpuss or prickly person
    • 2006, Malandrómeda, Paseo no fume [song]:
      Son un toxo pero estou coma un buxo
      I'm a gorse [prickly] but I am [sound] as a box tree

Derived terms


See also



  • Ernesto González Seoane, María Álvarez de la Granja, Ana Isabel Boullón Agrelo (20062022) “tojal”, in Dicionario de Dicionarios do galego medieval (in Galician), Santiago de Compostela: ILG
  • Xavier Varela Barreiro, Xavier Gómez Guinovart (20062018) “toj”, in Corpus Xelmírez - Corpus lingüístico da Galicia medieval (in Galician), Santiago de Compostela: ILG
  • toxo” in Dicionario de Dicionarios da lingua galega, SLI - ILGA 2006–2013.
  • toxo” in Tesouro informatizado da lingua galega. Santiago: ILG.
  • toxo” in Álvarez, Rosario (coord.): Tesouro do léxico patrimonial galego e portugués, Santiago de Compostela: Instituto da Lingua Galega.
  1. ^ Joan Coromines, José A. Pascual (1983–1991) “tojo”, in Diccionario crítico etimológico castellano e hispánico (in Spanish), Madrid: Gredos.
  2. ^ Bascuas, Edelmiro (2006) Hidronimia y léxico de origen paleoeuropeo en Galicia, Sada: Ediciós do Castro, →ISBN, pages 127-131