



vinculariiform (not comparable)

  1. Having the form of a vinculum.
    • 1969, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project (page 812)
      In both faunas, the dominant zoarial types are catenicelliform, followed by the cellariiform, adeoniform, and vinculariiform.
    Coordinate terms: adeoniform, catenicelliform, cellariiform, celleporiform, eschariform, flustriform, lunulitiform, membraniporiform, reteporiform
    • 1971, Smithsonian Contributions to Paleobiology, page 6:
      All species having non-fenestrate, rigidly erect colonies, with either subcylindrical or bilaminate trunks and branches (vinculariiform and eschariform colonies, respectively), or closely encrusting (membraniporiform) colonies were regarded as unstable.
    • 1981, Gilbert Powell Larwood, Claus Nielsen, Recent and Fossil Bryozoa: Papers Presented at the 5th International Conference on Bryozoa, Durham, 1980, page 71:
      The Aliso Viejo cheilostome branches represent the adeoniform (originally included within the vinculariiform) zoarial growth form, which today occurs predominantly on deeper shelf [] bottoms, in quiet water with slow sedimentation []