Chinese edit

not have (dialectal)
trad. (冇咗)
simp. #(冇咗)

Pronunciation edit

Verb edit


  1. (Cantonese) to no longer have
    差啲冇咗 [Cantonese, trad.]
    差啲冇咗 [Cantonese, simp.]
    caa1 di1 mou5 zo2 tiu4 meng6 [Jyutping]
    nearly lost one's life
  2. (Cantonese) to have ceased existence; to have stopped existing
  3. (Cantonese) to forget about something
    完全冇咗 [Cantonese, trad. and simp.]
    jyun4 cyun4 mou5 zo2 gin6 si6 tim1! [Jyutping]
    I'd completely forgotten about the whole thing!

See also edit