See also: 想当然

Chinese edit

to think; to believe; to suppose
to think; to believe; to suppose; to wish; to want; to miss
trad. (想當然) 當然
simp. (想当然) 当然

Etymology edit

From a quote by Eastern Han politician Kong Rong. He once satirized someone's deed by fabricating a similar story in ancient history. When questioned about the authenticity of his story, he answered:

[Literary Chinese, trad.]
[Literary Chinese, simp.]
From: The Book of the Later Han, circa 5th century CE
Yǐ jīn duó zhī, xiǎng dāng rán ěr. [Pinyin]
I saw what happened in our day and thought it must have been so.

Pronunciation edit

Verb edit


  1. to take something for granted