Middle English





  1. the ability to bear or endure something; endurance, patience
    • c. 1250, Richard Morris, editor, The Story of Genesis and Exodus, an Early English Song, about A.D. 1250. Now First Edited, from a Unique Ms. in the Library of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, with Introduction, Notes, and Glossary (Original Series; no. 7), London: Published for the Early English Text Society, by Trübner & Co., 60, Paternoster Row, published 1865, →OCLC, page 99, lines 3493–3496:
      Loke ðat ðu god oðer ne make, / Ne oðer ðhan me ðat ðu ne take. / for ic am god, gelus and ſtrong, / Min wreche iſ hard, min ðole iſ long.
      Look that thou other god not make, / Not other than me that thou not take. / For I am god, jealous and strong, / Mine vengeance is hard, mine patience is long.