See also: ιε΄


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Alternative forms





  1. The Greek numeral representing the number fifteen (15), typically romanized as the Roman numeral XV.
    Ο Πτολεμαίος ΙΕʹ Φιλοπάτωρ Φιλομήτωρ Καίσαρ (47 π.Χ. - 30 π.Χ.), περισσότερο γνωστός ως Καισαρίων, ήταν ο τελευταίος φαραώ της Αιγύπτου, ο οποίος βασίλεψε από κοινού με τη μητέρα του, Κλεοπάτρα Ζʹ, από του 44 π.Χ. έως του 30 π.Χ.
    Ptolemy XV the Father-Lover Mother-Lover Caesar (47—30 B.C.), better known as Caesarion, was the last pharaoh of Egypt, who ruled jointly with his mother Cleopatra VII from 44 to 30 B.C.

Usage notes


The Greek numbers from 1 to 999 are properly marked using the Greek numeral sign (κεραία, keraía). This appears in Unicode as greek numeral sign ʹ (U+0374), which is anomalous on Wiktionary and improperly links as ʹ (modifier letter prime, U+02B9). This entry is encoded using the modern Greek accent mark (τόνος, tónos), which appears in Unicode as tonos ΄ (U+0384). Other marks are also sometimes used.

See also

1sΑ΄ α΄Β΄ β΄Γ΄ γ΄Δ΄ δ΄Ε΄ ε΄Ϛ΄ ϛ΄ ΣΤ΄ Στ΄ στ΄ Ϝ΄ ϝ΄Ζ΄ ζ΄Η΄ η΄Θ΄ θ΄
10sΙ΄ ι΄Κ΄ κ΄Λ΄ λ΄Μ΄ μ΄Ν΄ ν΄Ξ΄ ξ΄Ο΄ ο΄Π΄ π΄Ϟ΄ ϟ΄
100sΡ΄ ρ΄Σ΄ σ΄Τ΄ τ΄Υ΄ υ΄Φ΄ φ΄Χ΄ χ΄Ψ΄ ψ΄Ω΄ ω΄Ϡ΄ ϡ΄
1000s͵Α ͵α͵Β ͵β͵Γ ͵γ͵Δ ͵δ͵Ε ͵ε͵Ϛ ͵ϛ ͵ΣΤ ͵Στ ͵στ ͵Ϝ ͵ϝ͵Ζ ͵ζ͵Η ͵η͵Θ ͵θ
10,000s͵Ι ͵ι͵Κ ͵κ͵Λ ͵λ͵Μ ͵μ͵Ν ͵ν͵Ξ ͵ξ͵Ο ͵ο͵Π ͵π͵Ϟ ͵ϟ
100,000s͵Ρ ͵ρ͵Σ ͵σ͵Τ ͵τ͵Υ ͵υ͵Φ ͵φ͵Χ ͵χ͵Ψ ͵ψ͵Ω ͵ω͵Ϡ ͵ϡ
Greek number and measurement appendix