





къикӏын (qikʼən) (transitive)

  1. to come out from
    Кӏалэр унэм къекӏы
    Kʼalɛr wunɛm qekʼə
    The boy is coming out of the house.
    Унэм къикӏ
    Wunɛm qikʼ
    Come out from the house.
    Сишы унэм къикӏыгъэп
    Sišə wunɛm qikʼəğɛp
    My brother didn't came out from the house.
  2. to come from
    Сэ Америкэм сыкъекӏы
    Sɛ Amerikɛm səqekʼə
    I am coming from America.
    Сэ есыпӏэм сыкъекӏыжьы
    Sɛ jesəpʼɛm səqekʼəźə
    I am coming back from the pool.
  3. to come off as
    Къэсфэгъэгъу ӏаеу сыкъыкӏыгъэмэ, аргъэп синетгъэр.
    Qɛsfɛğɛğʷu ʼajewu səqəkʼəğɛmɛ, arğɛp sinetğɛr.
    I'm sorry if I came horrible; that wasn't my intention.
  4. to turn out being; to end up being
    Шӏухьафтынэу сикъэшъэн къыситыгъэр ӏэлъынэу къикӏыгъ
    Šʷʼuḥaftənɛwu siqɛŝɛn qəsitəğɛr ʼɛlˢənɛwu qikʼəğ
    The gift my lover gave me turned out to be a ring.
    Пшъашъэм джанэу щилъагъэр дахэу къикӏыгъ
    Pŝaŝɛm džanɛwu śilˢağɛr daxɛwu qikʼəğ
    The dress the girl wear ended up being beautiful.
    Шхыныр ӏэшӏоу къекӏы
    Šxənər ʼɛšʷʼowu qekʼə
    The food turns out to be tasty

