Old Church Slavonic edit


Etymology edit

From Proto-Slavic *terba.

Noun edit

трѣба (trěbaf

  1. necessity
  2. offering, rite, sacrifice
    • from Vita Constantini, 1201000-1201030:
      Бѣшѧ въ фоульсцѣ ѧзъіцѣ дѫбъ велии· съраслъ сѧ съ чрѣшн҄еѭ· подъ нимь же трѣбъі дѣѣхѫ· нарицаѭще и именьмь александръ· женьскоу полоу не даѭще пристѫпати къ н҄емоу· ни къ трѣбамъ его·
      Běšę vŭ fulĭscě ęzŭicě dǫbŭ velii· sŭraslŭ sę sŭ črěšnʹejǫ· podŭ nimĭ že trěbŭi děěxǫ· naricajǫšte i imenĭmĭ aleksandrŭ· ženĭsku polu ne dajǫšte pristǫpati kŭ nʹemu· ni kŭ trěbamŭ ego·
      In the land of Phoullae stood a great oak which had grown together with a cherry tree, and under it sacrifices were offered. It was called Alexander, and women were not permitted to approach it or the sacrifices.

Declension edit

Derived terms edit

Descendants edit

References edit

  • Miklosich, Franz (1850) Lexicon linguae Slovenicae. Veteris dialecti[1], Vienna
  • Бояджиев, Андрей (2016) Старобългарска читанка[2], София

Russian edit

Noun edit

трѣ́ба (trě́baf inan (genitive трѣ́бы, nominative plural трѣ́бы, genitive plural трѣбъ)

  1. Pre-1918 spelling of тре́ба (tréba).

Declension edit