Bashkir edit

Өрөк һөйәктәре.
Apricot stones.

Etymology edit

From Proto-Turkic *siŋök (bone).

Pronunciation edit

  • IPA(key): [hʏ̞.ˈjæk]
  • Hyphenation: һө‧йәк

Noun edit

һөйәк (höyək)

  1. bone
    Муйнаҡ, ауыҙына һөйәк ҡабып, күперҙән үтеп бара ине.
    Muynaq, awıźına höyək qabıp, küperźən ütep bara ine.
    Muynaq (the dog's name) was passing a bridge with a bone in its mouth.
  2. (figurative) a person's remains
    Шунда ята батырҙың һөйәге.
    Şunda yata batırźıñ höyəge.
    The hero's remains lie there.
  3. (botany) stone, (US) kernel; the central part of some fruit

Declension edit