، U+060C, ،
Arabic ؍

Arabic edit

Symbol edit

، (,)

  1. the Arabic comma punctuation mark
    وَاحِد، اِثْنَان، ثَلَاثَة، أَرْبَعَة، خَمْسَة، سِتَّة، سَبْعَة
    wāḥid, iṯnān, ṯalāṯa, ʔarbaʕa, ḵamsa, sitta, sabʕa
    one, two, three, four, five, six, seven

Malay edit

Symbol edit


  1. The Malay comma punctuation mark, written in the Jawi script.

Persian edit

Symbol edit

، (,)

  1. The Persian comma punctuation mark.