editAlternative scripts
editAlternative scripts
- চূডামণি (Assamese script)
- ᬘᬹᬟᬵᬫᬡᬶ (Balinese script)
- চূডামণি (Bengali script)
- 𑰓𑰳𑰚𑰯𑰦𑰜𑰰 (Bhaiksuki script)
- 𑀘𑀽𑀟𑀸𑀫𑀡𑀺 (Brahmi script)
- စူဍာမဏိ (Burmese script)
- ચૂડામણિ (Gujarati script)
- ਚੂਡਾਮਣਿ (Gurmukhi script)
- 𑌚𑍂𑌡𑌾𑌮𑌣𑌿 (Grantha script)
- ꦕꦹꦝꦴꦩꦟꦶ (Javanese script)
- 𑂒𑂴𑂙𑂰𑂧𑂝𑂱 (Kaithi script)
- ಚೂಡಾಮಣಿ (Kannada script)
- ចូឌាមណិ (Khmer script)
- ຈູຑາມຓິ (Lao script)
- ചൂഡാമണി (Malayalam script)
- ᢜᡠᡠᡷᠠ᠊ᠠᠮᠠᢏᡳ (Manchu script)
- 𑘓𑘴𑘚𑘰𑘦𑘜𑘱 (Modi script)
- ᢋᠤᠤᢎᠠᢗᠮᠠᢏᠢ (Mongolian script)
- 𑦳𑧕𑦺𑧑𑧆𑦼𑧒 (Nandinagari script)
- 𑐔𑐹𑐜𑐵𑐩𑐞𑐶 (Newa script)
- ଚୂଡାମଣି (Odia script)
- ꢗꢹꢞꢵꢪꢠꢶ (Saurashtra script)
- 𑆖𑆷𑆝𑆳𑆩𑆟𑆴 (Sharada script)
- 𑖓𑖳𑖚𑖯𑖦𑖜𑖰 (Siddham script)
- චූඩාමණි (Sinhalese script)
- 𑩡𑩒𑩛𑩨𑩛𑩴𑩪𑩑 (Soyombo script)
- 𑚏𑚱𑚖𑚭𑚢𑚘𑚮 (Takri script)
- சூட³ாமணி (Tamil script)
- చూడామణి (Telugu script)
- จูฑามณิ (Thai script)
- ཙཱུ་ཌཱ་མ་ཎི (Tibetan script)
- 𑒔𑒴𑒛𑒰𑒧𑒝𑒱 (Tirhuta script)
- 𑨣𑨃𑨊𑨖𑨊𑨢𑨘𑨁 (Zanabazar Square script)
editचूडा (cūḍā, “a crest”) + मणि (maṇi, “a jewel”).
editचूडामणि • (cūḍāmaṇi) stem, m
- a jewel worn by men and women on the top of the head
- ifc. the (gem, i.e. the) best or most excellent of Kathās
- (botany) the seed of Abrus precatorius
- (poetry) a metre of 4 x 7 syllables
- an eclipse of the sun on a Sunday or an eclipse of the moon on a Monday
- a particular way of foretelling the future