See also: 婚姻状况

Chinese edit

marriage; matrimony
trad. (婚姻狀況) 婚姻 狀況
simp. (婚姻状况) 婚姻 状况

Pronunciation edit

Noun edit


  1. marital status

Usage notes edit

Common types of marital status in Chinese include 未婚 (wèihūn, “unmarried”); 已婚 (yǐhūn, “married”); 離婚离婚 (líhūn, “divorced”), or more formally 離異离异 (líyì); and 喪偶丧偶 (sàng'ǒu, “widowed”). Other terms that are used include 初婚 (chūhūn, “first marriage”), 再婚 (zàihūn, “remarriage”) and 復婚复婚 (fùhūn, “restoration of marriage”). Note that "single" 單身单身 (dānshēn) is not a martial status as it is in English.