See also: 犄角之势

Chinese edit

to divide one's military forces into two separate groups so that one can attack on two different fronts 's; him/her/it; this
power; force; tendency
power; force; tendency; conditions; influence
trad. (犄角之勢) 犄角
simp. (犄角之势) 犄角

Etymology edit

Literally: (using the) momentum of (one person) grabbing the legs (of a deer), (while the other person) holds onto the horns (of the deer).

Later on, this phrase was used to describe a situation in which one divides one's military forces into two separate groups so that one can attack on two different fronts.

Pronunciation edit

Idiom edit


  1. to divide one's military forces into two separate groups so that one can attack on two different fronts
  2. double-pronged attack; double-sided attack

Synonyms edit