See also: 颁奖

Chinese edit

promulgate; send out; issue
promulgate; send out; issue; to grant or confer
prize; award; encouragement
trad. (頒獎)
simp. (颁奖)

Pronunciation edit

Verb edit

頒⫽獎 (verb-object) (intransitive)

  1. to award; to present (an award, prize, honour, medal, certificate, etc.)
    頒獎典禮颁奖典礼  ―  bānjiǎng diǎnlǐ  ―  award ceremony
    勞動模範頒獎劳动模范颁奖  ―  xiàng láodòng mófàn bānjiǎng  ―  to present awards to model workers