Appendix:Glossary of linear algebra

This is a glossary of linear algebra.

Contents: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
affine transformation
A linear transformation between vector spaces followed by a translation.
In a vector space, a linearly independent set of vectors spanning the whole vector space.
The unique scalar function over square matrices which is distributive over matrix multiplication, multilinear in the rows and columns, and takes the value of   for the unit matrix.
diagonal matrix
A matrix in which only the entries on the main diagonal are non-zero.
The number of elements of any basis of a vector space.
identity matrix
A diagonal matrix all of the diagonal elements of which are equal to  .
inverse matrix
Of a matrix  , another matrix   such that   multiplied by   and   multiplied by   both equal the identity matrix.
linear algebra
The branch of mathematics that deals with vectors, vector spaces, linear transformations and systems of linear equations.
linear combination
A sum, each of whose summands is an appropriate vector times an appropriate scalar (or ring element).
linear equation
A polynomial equation of the first degree (such as  ).
linear transformation
A map between vector spaces which respects addition and multiplication.
linearly independent
(Of a set of vectors or ring elements) whose nontrivial linear combinations are nonzero.
A rectangular arrangement of numbers or terms having various uses such as transforming coordinates in geometry, solving systems of linear equations in linear algebra and representing graphs in graph theory.
Of a bounded linear operator  , the scalar values   such that the operator  , where   denotes the identity operator, does not have a bounded inverse.
square matrix
A matrix having the same number of rows as columns.
A directed quantity, one with both magnitude and direction; an element of a vector space.
vector space
A set  , whose elements are called "vectors", together with a binary operation   forming a module  , and a set   of bilinear unary functions  , each of which corresponds to a "scalar" element   of a field  , such that the composition of elements of   corresponds isomorphically to multiplication of elements of  , and such that for any vector  .