English citations of iron

Noun: metallic chemical element having symbol Fe

1594-6 1665 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 1665, Dud Dudley, Dud Dudley's Mettallum Martis:
    [...] As soon as the Author had repair-
    ed his works and inventions (to his no
    small charge) they so far prevailed with
    King Iames, that the Authour was com-
    manded with all speed possible, to send all
    sorts of Bar iron up to the Tower of Lon-
    don, fit for making of Musquets, Car-
    bines and Iron for great Bolts, [...]
  • 2006, Flomenbaum, Goldfrank, Hoffman, Howland, Lewin, Nelson, Goldfrank's Toxicologic Emergencies: Eighth Edition, page 1736:
    Hemoglobin transports an oxygen molecule only when its iron atom is in the reduced ferrous state (Fe2+). During oxygen transport, the iron atom actually transfers an electron to oxygen, thus transporting oxygen as a superoxide charged particle [...]
  • 2007, James Shipman, Jerry Wilson, Aaron Todd, An Introduction to Physical Science: Twelfth Edition, pages 106–108:
    Heat and temperature, although different, are intimately related. [...] suppose you added equal amounts of heat to equal masses of iron and aluminum. How do you think their temperatures would change? You might be surprised to find that if the temperature of the iron increased by 100 C°, the corresponding temperature change in the aluminum would be only 48 C°.
  • 2008, John Greer, John Foerster, George Rodgers, Fixos Paraskevas, Bertil Glader, Daniel Arber, Robert Means Jr, Wintrobe's Clinical Hematology: Volume One: Twelfth Edition, page 141:
    The binding of oxygen to the iron molecule causes the hemoglobin molecule to undergo conformational changes that affect the binding of oxygen to other heme sites.
  • 2009, Robert Crichten (editor), Iron Metabolism: From Molecular Mechanisms to Clinical Consequences: Third Edition, page 17:
    However, by around 1200 BC the ability to heat and forge another metal, iron, brought the Bronze Age to an end. Thus began the Iron Age, when iron replaced bronze in implements and weapons.
  • 2010, Pierre Cornelis and Simon Andrews (editors), Iron Uptake and Homeostasis in Microorganisms, page 17:
    Haem is ubiquitous, abundant and necessary for energy metabolism. Most bacteria have a haem biosynthesis pathway, but nevertheless, since haem is a major source of iron (an essential metal), microbes take up exogenous haem to retrieve iron.