



Dataism (uncountable)

  1. Alternative form of dataism
    • 1981, Centre for Translation Projects, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Renditions - Issues 15-18, page 17:
      The dichotomy between Dataism and Interpretationism in China is quite reminiscent of this German scene.
    • 2016 August 24, David Runciman, “Homo Deus by Yuval Noah Harari review – how data will destroy human freedom”, in The Guardian:
      In place of the founding tenets of modernity – liberalism, democracy and personal autonomy – there is a new religion: Dataism. Its followers – many of whom reside in the Bay Area of California – put their faith in information by encouraging us to see it as the only true source of value.
    • 2017 June 26, Jessica Sier, “Homo Deus: Praying at the alter of Dataism in a future I don't want to reach”, in The Australian Financial Review:
      Powered by understanding our own drivers, we will begin to pray at the alter of Dataism: humanity's new religion.
  2. (art) A movement that emphasizes traditional aesthetics and formal practices.
    • 1993, Frank Popper, Art of the electronic age, page 87:
      He regards it above all as 'Dataism' - a term and an art opposed to the iconoclasm of Modernism in general and Dadaism in particular. Dataism restates traditional aesthetics through formal practices.
    • 1999, Jean-Claude Heudin, Virtual Worlds: Synthetic Universes, Digital Life, and Complexity:
      One of the Cyberart aspects is the "Dataism" This art is opposed to the iconoclast features of Dadai"sm. By his formal practices, the Dataism reaffirms the traditional aesthetic.
    • 2018 March 12, Aleesia Forni, “ArtsWestchester receives $30000 from National Endowment for the Arts”, in Westfair:
      Arts Westchester's Dataism exhibition is scheduled to open in the fall of 2019 in its downtown White Plains gallery.

