Draco in Leather Pants



Alternative forms




Coined in reference to a scene in which Draco wears tight leather pants in the Draco Trilogy (2000-2006) fan fiction series by Cassandra Clare.[1][2][3]



Draco in Leather Pants (plural Dracos in Leather Pants)

  1. (fandom slang) Any fanon interpretation of the character Draco Malfoy that portrays him as a romantic "bad boy" or otherwise downplays his unfavorable qualities.
    • 2013, Antero Garcia, Critical Foundations in Young Adult Literature: Challenging Genres, page 127:
      To describe the Draco Trilogy is to locate this particular fan fiction as “het” with “harry/ draco” undertones and is the origin of the “Draco in Leather Pants” trope.
    • 2014, Lucie Cupalová, "Slash Factor: Characteristics and Varieties of Slash Fan Fiction", thesis submitted to Charles University, page 28:
      One of the most common ones is the notion of Draco as an elegant young man with long silky hair, the ideal aristocrat, with only a streak of mischief, which is often represented as “Draco in leather pants”.
    • 2016, Alexander Garner, "The Erotics of Fanfiction: Queering Fans, Works, and Communities in Modern Internet Fandom", thesis submitted to Bowling Green State University, page 80:
      Nonetheless, fanon from such fandoms as Harry Potter becomes well known, such as Ginny’s full name being Virginia, Draco embodying the “Draco in leather pants” trope, Dumbledore and Grindelwald being romantically involved, etc.
    • For more quotations using this term, see Citations:Draco in Leather Pants.
  2. (fandom slang, by extension) Any fictional character written or reinterpreted by fans as appealingly roguish or evil.
    • 2013 October 23, CDR. John Shepard (@CmndrShepardN7), Twitter[1]:
      I get it now! Loki is a Draco in Leather Pants!
    • 2018 July 5, Xiran Jay Zhao (@XiranJayZhao), Twitter[2]:
      I feel like ppl make Ryoken out to be too much of a Draco in Leather Pants and take too much agency out of his choices.
    • 2021 March 7, @notcatra, Twitter[3]:
      Tamsyn Muir stated that Ianthe Tridentarius was written as a "Draco in Leather Pants", but this is, in fact, an insult to Ianthe.
      Draco Malfoy never consumed a man's immortal soul in order to gain immortality and ultimate power, nor is he anywhere near as competent and sexy.
    • For more quotations using this term, see Citations:Draco in Leather Pants.

See also

  • baby girl (male morally-ambiguous character romanticised by fans)
  • poor little meow meow (endearingly pathetic villain or morally-ambiguous character)
  • woobie (morally-ambiguous character subjected to pain for pathos)


  1. ^ Antero Garcia, Critical Foundations in Young Adult Literature: Challenging Genres, page 127
  2. ^ Kali DeDominicis, "Imagining Virtual Community: Online Media Fandom and the Construction of Virtual Collectivity", thesis submitted to the University of Edinburgh, page 209
  3. ^ Shayla Olsen, "Playgrounds for Publishing: Writers in Established Story Universes", thesis submitted to the University of Southern Queensland, page 16