English or Spanish

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  This English term is a hot word. Its inclusion on Wiktionary is provisional.



Metonymic. Originates from TikToker Alfonso Pinpon, the creator of the game, who would ask a bilingual audience whether they spoke English or Spanish, followed by him informing them in their chosen language that whoever moves first is gay. Later videos imitating Pinpon would simply ask "English or Spanish?" as people began to play the game with friends and other people already aware of the game as a prank. Popularized in May 2024 on the video-sharing social media service TikTok.[1]


  • Audio (US):(file)



English or Spanish (uncountable)

  1. (Internet slang, neologism) A game or prank in which the first person to move after being asked the question, “English or Spanish?”, is declared to be gay.
    English or Spanish? —English. —Whoever moves first is gay.
    English or Spanish? —Español. —El que se mueva primero es gay.


  1. ^ English or Spanish”, in Know Your Meme, launched 2007

Further reading
