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Thought to be from a word meaning "hot gale plain" or "windy plain" in an unknown Aboriginal language. Used as the town name since about 1860. For details, see   Eromanga, Queensland § History on Wikipedia.Wikipedia

Proper noun



  1. A prehistoric inland sea that formed on the Australian continent during the Cretaceous period.
  2. A sedimentary basin of central and northern Australia that was once covered by the sea.
    • 1983, Queensland Geology, Geological Survey of Queensland, Publication 383, page 128,
      The geological evolution of the Eromanga Basin closely parallels that of the Surat Basin, and the two basins were joined across the Nebine Ridge almost from their inception.
    • 1994, Mary E. White, After the Greening, Kangaroo Press, page 38,
      In parts of the Eromanga Basin that were the most southerly during Cretaceous times some of the Bulldog Shale contains pineapple-shaped crystal clusters known as glendonites.
    • 1999, Flora of Australia, Volume 1, CSIRO Publishing, page 278,
      The gymnospermous component of the Eromanga palynofloras includes a high proportion of podocarp pollen, and the cryptogam spore assemblages are more diverse and contain greater proportions of Gleichenia- and Anemia-type spores than those from the south-east (Dettmann, 1994).
  3. A town in Queensland, Australia, situated on the edge of the basin.