See also: Fo-kien


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  1. (dated) Alternative form of Fujian
    • 1669, Athanasius Kircher, Antiquities of China[2], London: John Macock, page 85:
      THE Lakes of the Chineſes are like their Mountains, full of Rarities. There is a Lake in the Province Fokien, which converteth Iron into Copper ; the water veing very green, we preſume it is full of Nitros ſpirits, and ſo diſcoloured with Coperas, which operates in the converſion of this metal.
      Another Lake called Chung in the Province of Fokien, hath a greater wonder ; for they report, that in a fair Houſe there erected, as often as rain or a tempeſt is approaching, there is a ſound heard like the ringing of a Bell.
    • 1750s, Frederick Pigou, “Remarks concerning Amoy and Shanghay-hyen.”, in Oriental Repertory[3], volume II, published 1808, →OCLC, page 324:
      Shanghay is the name of a City in CHINA, ſituated in Lat. 31° 15'N, it is under the juriſdiction of Song Kyang-fu ; Duhalde mentions it Vol. I. P. 75 ;* the courſe by ſea to Shanghay is to the Northward and Eaſtward of Chuſan ; the Mouth of the River that leads to Shanghay is about 20 miles to the Southward of the Iſland Tſongming. Shanghay is about 60 miles from Suchew : Junks from Fokien continually trade to Shanghay ; as the Shanghay Junks do to Japan.
    • 2005 [1980], John J. Delaney, “Capillas, Bl. Francis”, in Dictionary of Saints[4], 2nd edition, Doubleday, →ISBN, page 125:
      After ten years as a missionary in Luzon, he was sent to Fokien Province in China as a companion to Fr. Francis Diaz.
    • 2009, Sara Sheridan, The Secret Mandarin[5], Avon, →ISBN, page 248:
      In Fokien province there were a deal of hostelries by the roadside and when we reached the Bohea Mountains, which ran like a spine across the north of the region, we knew that we were over halfway.
    • For more quotations using this term, see Citations:Fokien.

Derived terms



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From the Postal Romanization of Nanjing court dialect Mandarin 福建 (Fújiàn), from before the modern palatalization of /k/ to /tɕ/.[1] Compare Portuguese Foquiem, English Fukien / Fuhkien / Fookien, Tagalog Fukien.


  • IPA(key): /ˈfokjen/ [ˈfo.kjẽn]
  • Rhymes: -okjen
  • Syllabification: Fo‧kien

Proper noun


Fokien m

  1. (historical) Fujian (a province of China)
    Synonym: (modern) Fujian
    • 1750, La Christiandad de Fogan, en la provincia de Fokien, en el imperio de China, cruelmente perseguida del impio Cheu-Hio-kien Virrey de dicha Provincia., page 51:
      Haviendose suscitado en la Provincia de Fokien una furiosa tempestad contras los Christianos, []
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)


  1. ^ Kaske, Elisabeth (2008) The Politics of Language in Chinese Education, 1895–1919[1], Leiden: Koninklijke Brill NV, →ISBN, page 52