



Minnesota nice (uncountable)

  1. (US) A style of pleasantness, courtesy, cooperation, and helpfulness associated with Minnesota culture; a form of Northern Plains charm.
    • 1992, A. W. B. (Alfred William Brian) Simpson, In the Highest Degree Odious: Detention Without Trial in Wartime Britain, Oxford University Press, →ISBN, page 80
      Having lived in the open land of southwest Minnesota for more than thirty years, I have learned the limits of Minnesota nice.
    • 1993, Michael Barone, Grant Ujifusa, Almanac of American Politics, 1994: The Senators, the Representatives and the Governors[1], National Journal, published 1993, →ISBN, page 727:
      Minge (pronounced with a hard G) is close to a personification of "Minnesota nice," the quiet cheerfulness and pleasantness which permeates much of life in […] much of its politics.
    • 1996, Quincy Troupe, “Minnesota Nice”, in Avalanche: Poems[2], Coffee House Press, →ISBN, page 67:
      each moment draining sweat that pools around in a tradition of politeness—
      disturbed here now by swarms of gnats—some natives call "minnesota nice"
    • 1997, David Lebedoff, Cleaning Up: The Exxon Valdez Case, from 3 Drinks to 5 Billion Dollars[3], Free Press, →ISBN, page 28:
      The natives joked about Minnesota Nice, and outsiders called it conformity, but civility was in fact the norm and any rip in its fabric a vice.
    • 1999, Rosalie T. Torres, Hallie Preskill, Evaluative Inquiry for Learning in Organizations[4], →ISBN, page 31:
      People who like one another often go along with one another's ideas to keep everyone happy. In Minnesota, people often call this "Minnesota nice." The intent is not to hurt anyone's feelings.

Derived terms




Minnesota nice (not comparable)

  1. (US) Pleasant, courteous, cooperative, and helpful (as associated with Minnesota culture).
    • 2006 July 28, Brooke Gladstone, “The Importance of Being Earnest”, On the Media, WNYC:
      Their new anchor, or family member, as they call him, isn't resonating with the viewers, who aren't sure he's Minnesota nice

Further reading
