
This Proto-Malayo-Polynesian entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.






  1. the giant clam, Tridacna gigas


  • Philippine
    • Greater Central Philippine
      • Central Philippine
        • Tagalog: kimâ (large shellfish)
      • Gorontalo–Mongondow
        • Mongondow: kima (kind of oyster)
    • South Mindanao
      • Tboli: kima (seashell)
    • Sangiric
    • Minahasan
      • Tontemboan: kima (shellfish)
      • Tonsawang: kima
  • Barito
    • Sama–Bajaw
      • Yakan: kime (fluted clam)
      • Mapun: kima
    • East Barito
      • Malagasy: hima (a kind of shell)
  • North Bornean
    • Northeast Sabahan
      • Ida'an: kimo (oyster)
    • Southwest Sabahan
      • Central Dusun: kimo (a kind of big oyster)
  • Northwest Sumatra–Barrier Islands
    • Batak
      • Karo Batak: hima (large white marine shellfish)
    • Simeulue: kimo
    • Nias: gima (a large shellfish)
  • Malayo-Sumbawan
  • Javanese: ꦏꦶꦩ (kima, kind of large shellfish)
  • South Sulawesi
  • Celebic
    • Bungku–Tolaki: *kima (shell)
      • Bungku: kima (oyster)
  • Chamorro: hima (clam)
  • Palauan: kim (type of large clam)
  • Central Malayo-Polynesian
    • Sumba–Flores
      • Manggarai: hima (oyster)
      • Ngadha: kima (mussel)
      • Kambera: kíma (kind of large bivalve)
    • Flores–Lembata
      • Sika: 'ima (shell)
      • Lamaholot: kíma (shellfish; mussel; oyster)
    • Timoric
      • Tetum: kima (sea shell)
    • Central Maluku
      • Buru (Indonesia): kima (mollusk)
      • Asilulu: kima
  • Oceanic
    • Admiralty Islands
    • Southeast Solomonic
      • Bugotu–Gela
      • Malaita–Makira
        • To'abaita: ʼima
        • 'Are'are: ima (a big clam shell)
        • Sa'a: 'ime (the bear’s paw clam)
    • Micronesian
      • Gilbertese: kima (a large shell)
      • Pohnpeic
        • Mokilese: kim (clam)
      • Chuukic
        • Chuukese: siim (medium-sized tridacna shell)
        • Puluwat: hiim (kind of fairly large edible tridacna)
        • Woleaian: sium
    • Southern Oceanic
      • Mota: gima (the bear’s paw clam)
    • Central Pacific
      • Polynesian
        • Kapingamarangi: gima (horse hoof clam)
        • Nukuoro: gima (horse hoof clam)

