
Latest comment: 11 years ago by Atitarev in topic spade

את in the Tanakh


Although I found in the Tanakh את was not translated into the Greek LXX, or most other Languages, because they do not need a word to show where the action of the verb takes place, though you can use "towards" in some places, if you translate את as the English word "associate," it makes English point to the action of the Verb in the sentence, the same as את does in Hebrew. Example;

כי־נסך עליכם יהוה רוח תרדמה ויעצם את־עיניכם את־הנביאים ואת־ראשׁיכם החזים כסה׃ ותהי לכם חזות הכל כדברי הספר החתום אשׁר־יתנו אתו אל־יודע הספר לאמר קרא נא־זה ואמר לא אוכל כי חתום הוא׃ ונתן הספר על אשׁר לא־ידע ספר לאמר קרא נא־זה ואמר לא ידעתי ספר׃

'Related poured out upon them Yahweh Spirit of trances, and closed associate your eyes, associate the prophets, and associate your Rulers, related the seeing he covered, and the vision of each became unto you as words of a Scroll that is sealed, which deliver one unto the educated, saying, read this, I pray you, and he said I cannot, because it is sealed, and he took the Scroll delivering it to the uneducated, saying, read this, I pray you, and he said, I cannot read being uneducated."

And seeing they worshiped me looking for the fullest filled, and burnt incense unto me their foretold of Baal, and they cast off Yahweh, and worship my Lord falsely calling him their Creator, so I say according as it is written of me and my Lord,

ויאמר אדני יען כי נגשׁ העם הזה בפיו ובשׂפתיו כבדוני ולבו רחק ממני ותהי יראתם אתי מצות אנשׁים מלמדה׃

"and said my Lord, 'thus this people draw near with their mouth, and with their lips they do honor me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear towards me is taught by the precepts of Sires,'”

לכן הנני יוסף להפליא את־העם־הזה הפלא ופלא ואבדה חכמת חכמיו ובינת נבניו תסתתר׃ הוי המעמיקים מיהוה לסתר עצה והיה במחשׁך מעשׂיהם ויאמרו מי ראנו ומי יודענו׃ הפככם אם־כחמר היצר יחשׁב כי־יאמר מעשׂה לעשׂהו לא עשׂני ויצר אמר ליוצרו לא הבין׃

"Unto suchlike, I Joseph proceed to do a marvelous work among this people, a marvelous work and wonder, for the wisdom of their wise perishes, and the understanding of their prudent becomes hidden from them. Woe unto them that seek deep to hide their counsel from Yahweh, and they work within the dark, and they say, Who sees us? and who acquaints us? Surely your turning of things upside down shall be esteemed as the potter's clay, for shall the work say of him that made it, 'He made me not?' or shall the thing framed say of him that framed it, 'He had no understanding about me?'”

--User:JosephLoegering User_talk:JosephLoegering

(deprecated template usage) אֶת is a preposition while (deprecated template usage) associate is not. A phrase like (deprecated template usage) closed associate your eyes simply makes no sense to me or, I suspect, to most people. If you like to use (deprecated template usage) associate as the translation of (deprecated template usage) אֶת, I suppose no one can stop you, but don't expect anyone to understand you.​—msh210 (talk) 15:47, 18 July 2011 (UTC)Reply



Does it also mean spade? --Anatoli (обсудить/вклад) 02:19, 6 December 2012 (UTC)Reply

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