
Latest comment: 7 years ago by Metaknowledge in topic RFV discussion: October 2016–May 2017

RFV discussion: October 2016–May 2017


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All are plural forms of atomkraft, which is regarded as uncountable by Den Danske Ordbog. DonnanZ (talk) 18:35, 12 October 2016 (UTC)Reply

There are lots of uses by laymen, in reference to nuclear power; especially people expresing their fear. There are also some older uses, but I'm not sure what it means in this context:
    • 1872, Harald Høffding, Philosophien i Tydskland efter Hegel, page 275
      Herved kunne vi ikke blive staaende. Den moderne Naturvidenskab lærer os (kfr. Fechner) at opfatte Materien som et System af Atomkræfter. Hvert enkelt Atom kan ingen Masse have, ligesaalidt som man kan tale om Talstørrelsen af en Ener.
      In this manner, we could not remain standing. Modern natural science teaches us (cf. Fechner) to conceive of matter as a system of atomic forces. Every individual atom can have no mass, just as little as one may speak of the magnitude of a one.
    • 2013, J. Thorsen, The Penetration of Charged Particles Through Matter (1912 - 1954), Elsevier →ISBN, page 184
      Problemets Forskel fra Spredningsspørgsmaalet, Indirekte Indflydelse af de indre Atomkræfter, Hastighedstallenes Sandsynlighedsfordeling.
      The difference of the problem from the question of propagation, indirect influence of the inner atomic forces, the probability distribution of the velocity-numbers.
    • 1899, Kringsjaa
      Hvert atom i verdensaltet er besjælet af den guddommelige kraft, ligesaa verdensæteren, og man kan saaledes betegne "Gud" som summen af alle naturkræfter, summen af alle atomkræfter og alle ætersvingninger.
      Every atom in the world-everything is soul-endowed by the divine force, likewise the world-aether, and one may as such use "God" to refer to the sum of all natural forces, the sum of all atomic forces and all aetheric vibrations.
    • 1886, Rasmus Malling Hansen, Perioder i børns vaext og i solens varme
      Disse livsvækkende Stød, som ramme alt Stofligt, maa i fjærne Tider, i Solens Ungdomstid, have været langt vældigere end nu og maa, hvor de have truffet paa heldigt ordnede Atomer og Atomkræfter, samt gunstige Livsbetingelser for disse,  ...
      These life-awaking thrusts/jolts, which hit all that is material, must, in distant times, in the time of the youth of the Sun, have been far grander than now and must, where they have hit fortuitously arranged atoms and atomic forces, as well as life-conditions conducive to these things,...
    • 1878, Karl Hendrik Posselt Schmidt, Laerebog i experimentalfysiken: tillige med grundtraekkene af meteorologien, astronomien og den fysiske geografi ...
      Flere eller færre af disse Atomer, alt efter Stoffernes Art, forene sig nu, lærer Kemien os, ifølge de i dem nedlagte Kræfter, Atomkræfter eller kemiske Kræfter, Affinitet, og danne derved, hvad Kemien kalder Molekyler, ...
      More or fewer of these atoms, depending on the species of the substances, now unite, chemistry teach us, in accordance with the forces vested in them, atomic forces or chemical forces, affinity, and thus form what chemistry calls molecules.
    • 2008, Wolfgang Pauli, Wissenschaftlicher Briefwechsel mit Bohr, Einstein, Heisenberg u.a. Band II: 1930–1939 / Scientific Correspondence with Bohr, Einstein, Heisenberg a.o. Volume II: 1930–1939, Springer-Verlag →ISBN, page 98
      Dersom vi betragter Dispersionen fra et Atom i Normaltilstanden bestaaende af en Elektron og en Kerne med Ladning Ze og forlanger, at Y skal være lille i Forhold til de indre Atomkræfter, ...
      If we consider the dispersion from an atom in the normal condition consisting of an electron and a nucleus with charge Ze and demand that Y must be small relative to the inner atomic forces, ...

__Gamren (talk) 11:52, 23 March 2017 (UTC)Reply

    • 1966, Forskning, udvikling, uddannelse
      Ved hjælp af dislokationsteorierne blev man i 30'erne og 40'erne i stand til at beregne metallers maksimale styrke udfra atomkræfter og krystalstrukturer.
      Using the theories of dislocation, one gained, in the 30s and 40s, the ability to calculate the maximal strengths of metals from atomic forces and crystal structures.

__Gamren (talk) 19:39, 8 April 2017 (UTC)Reply

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