
Latest comment: 7 years ago by Ungoliant MMDCCLXIV in topic Alternative spellings

Shouldn't the Turkish entry go on an avro page? — DavidL 15:30 14 Sep 2004 (UTC)

Alternative spellings


(1) The capitalized 'alternate spelling' is incorrect. Like dollar, euro is not a proper noun. I tried to remove the incorrect capitalized form (Euro), but it has reappeared. To reinterate, we do not have Dollars and Cents and Nickels and Dimes, we have dollars, cents, nickels, and dimes. The same is true of euros.

(2) The pronunciation shown has been Americanized with a leading Y sound. Although many Englishmen pronounce it with a Y prefix as well (and British English dictionaries don't agree with each other), it is pronounced without the Y in the nations that actually use euros. Both pronunciations should be shown.

(I don't know how to show primary and secondary pronunciations, so haven't tried to augment the dictionary entry.)

--Leigh 01:43, 12 June 2007 (UTC)Reply

Sometimes Euro is used as a proper noun, as in Euro-English, Euro Area, etc. I’m not sure I understand what you said about pronunciation. Do the British say "ooro"? —Stephen 19:13, 18 June 2007 (UTC)Reply

Don't confuse euros with Euro-.

To repeat: The monetary unit, euro, is NOT a proper noun and should not be confused with Euro- (meaning Europe) used as a prefix.

The difference is like 'dollar' (not a proper noun) versus 'Amer-' (a proper prefix), see?

Consider the following sentence: "In recent years, euros are the currency in most Euro-regional nations."

Euro- and euro(s) are not the same thing, no more than Brad and brad(s) are the same thing or Carol's Christmas is the same as Christmas carol.

Also, the pronunciation should be at least augmented to reflect 'ur-oh' (or 'er-oh'). Americans are used to pronouncing Europe as 'yur-up', so naturally we want to say 'yur-oh' rather than 'ur-oh'. Originally, I was opposed to showing the pronunciation as Americanized, but in fairness, the British are divided on the pronunciation, so I believe it is appropriate to show both pronunciations.

Leigh 01:52, 20 June 2007 (UTC)Reply

Could someone link to a video of these masses of British person pronouncing it without the "y" sound? Very curious. Thanks — This unsigned comment was added by (talk).

The guy’s argument seems to be that non-native speakers of English don’t use a yod in the word euro in their languages, and since the euro is not the official currency of the UK or US, the English pronunciation is wrong. Lol! — Ungoliant (falai) 12:11, 25 May 2017 (UTC)Reply



The plural of "Euro" is also "Euro" - Adding an 's' to the end of a word to make a plural is only done in the English language. It's not done here because none of the countries in the eurozone use English as their first language. (OK so English is used heavily in Ireland, but Irish is the official first language)

If you think the Irish don't use English as their first language, you obviously have never been to Ireland: something like 90% of the population can't speak Irish! And as for the other points, the plural is either "euro" or "euros", and the pronunciation is like the start of Europe, not "oo-ro"!!! If you are a native English speaker and talked about "oo-ro" to other native English speakers, they'd think you were an idiot. 14:03, 19 May 2012 (UTC)Reply
Well, what the first contributor wrote is obviously nonsense, but I do think that the usage is different in Ireland than the rest of the English-speaking world. At least, I've never heard euro as a plural on British or American TV, they nearly always say euros. But when I was in Ireland, they most often said two euro and so on. I may be mistaken though.
I've noticed that too, that "two euro" etc. is prevalent in Ireland. But that may have less to do with official EU recommendations and more to do with the fact that even before the euro, people in Ireland were more likely to say "two pound" than "two pounds". —Aɴɢʀ (talk) 18:45, 29 November 2016 (UTC)Reply

not capitalized


There seems to be confusion: The word 'euro' is NOT a proper noun, and is NOT capitalized as shown, except at the beginning of a sentence. -- 01:02, 3 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

Under alternate spellings, euro is shown capitalized. There is no capitalized alternate spelling.

--Leigh 00:45, 8 June 2008 (UTC)Reply



The pronunciation is incorrectly shown as having a Y sound. While it is true that Australians, Canadians, Americans and some English (who don't use the euro) insist on using a Y sound, those whose coinage is the euro DO NOT USE A Y SOUND. Why bother putting it in the dictionary if you make up your own pronunciation? -- 01:09, 3 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

You are not being clear. Precisely what nationality of people speaking which language do you claim pronounce euro "ooro"? —Stephen 17:52, 3 January 2008 (UTC)Reply
"claim?" Are you writing in from Europe where the euro is actually used or from North America where it isn't? To be precisely clear: many English and apparently all wiki-Americans insist on adding a Y to the beginning of the word while continental Europe does not. This seems to break down between those who use the euro and those who don't.
France and most (Ireland being at least one exception) EU nations pronounce euro as 'ur-oh'. However, it seems others within Wiktionary are insisting upon an anglicized pronunciation since I notice the continental Europe pronunciation has once again been removed from Wiktionary. I do not suggest the Y-pronunciation should be removed, only that the correct pronunciation be included.
Also, as has previously been pointed out, euro, the coin and currency, is NOT capitalized except at the beginning of a sentence. As stated above, we pay in dollars, not Dollars, and therefore the 'alternate spelling' of "Euro" is incorrect.
The removal of correct pronunciations and introduction of incorrect 'alternate spellings' is frustrating to those of us who are trying to teach (in my case) and are concerned about words in a global sense, surely one of the reasons Wiki gets a chequered non-seriously academic reputation.
--Leigh 00:45, 8 June 2008 (UTC)Reply
If your claim is that many non-English speakers do not include the /j/, then the fact that the English pronunciation includes it shouldn't be a problem. I see that the French pronunciation does not include such a sound, nor do many of the other non-English entries. -Atelaes λάλει ἐμοί 01:02, 8 June 2008 (UTC)Reply
Aha, so you are indeed speaking of French, not English! The French pronunciation of euro is plainly shown in its proper place. The Germans also have their pronunciation, the Russians theirs, and so on. "France and most EU nations" do not speak English, they speak other languages. English is spoken in Britain, Ireland, the U.S., Canada, New Zealand, Australia, and a few other places, and we English-speakers pronounce it with the y. —Stephen 05:49, 8 June 2008 (UTC)Reply
Having lived and worked overseas, I'm passionate about helping Americans not mangle foreign words as they are known for doing. I recognize I may be fighting a losing cause and I apologize for any acerbity.
We pronounce Europe with a Y. The European Union, which we are not a part of, settled upon euro (lower case e) as their unit of currency. As such, they chose not to anglicize the pronunciation for our benefit. My objection is that in our naïveté, we've promulgated the Y sound. (I'm not sure how it's pronounced in Russia, but they're not a part of the EU either.)
In my opinion, what we've decided to pronounce a European word our way and not the way it was intended. It's European, not American, and while I have heard 'chic' pronounced 'chick' instead of 'sheek', I believe we should educate citizens as to how a word is actually pronounced instead of falling back upon our Americanized expectations.
In my limited viewpoint, I believe what we've done is expect the word to have a Y sound, so it's been included here without regarding original speakers, just as we once spelled and pronounced 'Beijing' as 'Pekin'/'Peking'. With due respect, I'm not sure if Atelaes would agree with me, but I think we should at least include the non-Y sound if only as an alternative (as was once included here but subsquently removed).
--Leigh 23:34, 8 June 2008 (UTC)Reply
Euro is pronounced differently in every language, regardless of whether the people who speak that language use the euro or not. The Japanese say "yuro", to Russians say "yevro", the Greeks say "evro", the Germans say "oyro", the Spanish say "eh-oo-ro" (also the Italians), and the Portuguese say "ew-raw". The only people on the planet who pronounce euro in the French way are the French and some Canadians, some Algerians, a few other Africans, some Tahitians, and a few others, but in all cases only when speaking French. Whenever the French say euro while speaking English, as they often do, they say "yooro", since that is the English pronunciation. The British don’t use the samisan, but they nevertheless pronounce it in a standard British way, which is not like the Japanese pronunciation. The British don’t have the baht, but they pronounce it in a standard British fashion when they say it. It makes absolutely no difference whether the speakers of a language use the euro or not, they have their own way of pronouncing the word, and, unless they are speaking French, that way is not like the French. —Stephen 08:38, 9 June 2008 (UTC)Reply
I shall retire gracefully from the field. I had not intended to imply that French was the only way in the EU, but that going back over the documents for the euro, the EU specified a look, a sound, and even a philosophical meaning of the euro. The official € symbol was laid out mathematically in a CAD program; I'm not sure that's true of any other nation's currency. The same was done for the sound, the spelling, and how plurals were to be treated. If you notice, each of the EU languages mentioned (except Irish English), are similar given the accents involved, and no EU nation (except the Irish) use the Y sound.
In any case, thank you very much for our patience.
--Leigh 11:39, 9 June 2008 (UTC)Reply
Actually in the UK/Northern Ireland, in the EU albeit not Eurozone, they also use the Y sound, as do non-native English speakers who are attempting to speak English as one would natively.
I will admit one has to check oneself as an Irishman when talking about euro in e.g. Germany. So easy to forget to use the non-English pronunciation due to the identical spelling. But even abroad if I was speaking English I would use the "Y" sound as indeed would many non-native English speakers I'd be conversing with. 09:38, 12 April 2009 (UTC)Reply
As has been mentioned before, "euro" is pronounced differently in just about every language; Stephen provided excellent examples of this. Of course, the local pronunciation of Euro is usually taken from the beginning of the local word for Europe; in English, we begin Europe with a "y" sound, thus in English, we begin "Euro" with a "y" sound. Hebrew shows the two common ways of pronouncing "euro" in non-european union languages. One pronunciation is /ero/ based on their word for europe; the other is /juro/ based on the English pronunciation.
By the way, Leigh, you complain about English speakers mangling foreign words. Well, they do. However, this dictionary records reality, the way people actually pronounce words, not the way one might like them too.
However, there is a problem. Adnyamathanha has euro as a word for wallaroo, a native word. However, the pronunciation seems to have been taken directly from the English article, while it is not correct in Adnyamathanha. I'm going to remove this pronunciation; if anybody wants it back, it can be found in the English listing whence it was taken in the first place.

"European documents"


What is "... official European documents ..."? Shouldn't it be "... official European Union documents ..."? --Mortense (talk) 04:48, 26 November 2016 (UTC)Reply

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