

Are we sure it doesn't have anything to do with adventure gaming? In some SCUMM engine-based games you need to save alot and backtrack to the last good save in order to proceed. CyberSkull 12:48, 8 August 2009 (UTC)Reply

Seems very unlikely. It's difficult or impossible to find anywhere referring to "savescumming" a SCUMM game, whereas if that were the origin we'd expect to see a lot of early such usages. Equinox 13:02, 8 August 2009 (UTC)Reply

Video game sense: evidence for skimming etymology?


Is there evidence for skimming being the root of this? I thought it was just scum, i.e. vile behaviour, since many players seem to disapprove of it. Equinox 13:55, 12 March 2017 (UTC)Reply

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