
Compound adjectives with a numeral and the name of a unit (as in “a one-hour walk” or “a three-storey building”) are written as solid if both constituents are single words, e.g. egyórás séta (a one-hour walk), from egy and órás). By contrast, if either element is a compound word (or both of them are), their compound will be written as separate words, e.g. tizenegy órás út (a trip/flight of eleven hours)), from tizen+egy + órás or egy hónapos utazás (a journey of one month), from egy + hó+napos.[1] (See also the analogous rule for material designations.) In practice, this rule is sometimes disregarded, especially in casual texts and in case of less common compounds.

The -van/-ven (-ty) in round tens are suffixes, so e.g. negyvennapos (forty‑day) is written as solid. On the other hand, compounds with a number always written separately, e.g. 6 éves. Also, adjectives (and nouns) for the denomination of coins, banknotes, and revenue stamps are written as solid, e.g. kétezerforintos bankjegy (a 2000‑forint bill), despite kétezerforintos having the compound kétezer (2000).