Template:bg-proper noun/documentation

Documentation for Template:bg-proper noun. [edit]
This page contains usage information, categories, interwiki links and other content describing the template.

This template is used for the headword line of Bulgarian proper nouns.


1=, head2=, head3=, ...
Specify the headword, including acute accents to indicate the stress. |1= is required; use |head2=, |head3=, ... to specify alternative ways of stressing the proper noun.
tr=, tr2=, tr3=, ...
Optional manual transliteration(s) of the headword(s). tr= corresponds to 1=, tr2= to head2=, tr3= to head3=, etc.
2=, g2=, g3=
The gender or genders (m, f, n, p, m-p, f-p or n-p). See Module:gender and number.
f=, f2=, f3=, ...
Feminine equivalent(s) of a proper noun referring to a masculine person.
m=, m2=, m3=, ...
Masculine equivalent(s) of a proper noun referring to a feminine person.
dim=, dim2=, dim3=, ...
Diminutive(s) of the proper noun.
adj=, adj2=, adj3=, ...
Related adjective(s) of the proper noun.
Optional linking ID; see {{senseid}}.
If specified, indicate that the proper noun is indeclinable.



{{bg-proper noun|[[северен|Се́верна]] [[Коре́я]]|f|adj=севернокоре́йски|adj2=северокоре́йски}}


Се́верна Коре́я (Séverna Koréjaf (relational adjective севернокоре́йски or северокоре́йски)