
Singular Plural
Person 1st 2nd 3rd m. 3rd f. 1st 2nd 3rd
Normal {{{1sg}}} {{{2sg}}} {{{3sgm}}} {{{3sgf}}} {{{1pl}}} {{{2pl}}} {{{3pl}}}
Emphatic {{{1sg}}}s {{{2sg}}}s {{{3sgmem}}} {{{3sgf}}}ish {{{1pl}}}yn {{{2pl}}}ish {{{3pl}}}syn



The emphatic forms (except for the 3d person masc.) may be omitted if:

  • The 1st person sing. and 2d person sing. simply add -s
  • The 3d person sing. fem. and 2d person sing. formal and pl. simply add -ish
  • The 1st person pl. simply adds -yn
  • The 3d person pl. simply adds -syn

Template for copying and pasting:

 |1sg    =
 |2sg    =
 |3sgm   =
 |3sgmem =
 |3sgf   =
 |1pl    =
 |2pl    =
 |3pl    =