Declension of kana (type 3/kana, no gradation, gemination)
singular plural
nominative kana kanat
genitive kanan kannoin
partitive kannaa kanoja
illative kannaa kannoi
inessive kanas kanois
elative kanast kanoist
allative kanalle kanoille
adessive kanal kanoil
ablative kanalt kanoilt
translative kanaks kanoiks
essive kananna, kannaan kanoinna, kannoin
exessive1) kanant kanoint
1) obsolete
*) the accusative corresponds with either the genitive (sg) or nominative (pl)
**) the comitative is formed by adding the suffix -ka? or -kä? to the genitive.

To be used for Ingrian nominals ending in -a - in two-syllable words with a stressed {a, e, i} or in three-syllable words - corresponding to Junus' chapter IV paragraph §3. The nominal number is shared by {{izh-decl/koira}}, which has a somewhat distinct declension from this template, especially in plural declension.

The following parameters are present:

|1= The strong grade of the final consonant
|2= The weak grade of the final consonant