Template:table:playing cards/mk

Playing cards in Macedonian · ка́рти за и́грање (kárti za ígranje) (layout · text)
ас (as), кец (kec) дво́јка (dvójka) тро́јка (trójka) че́творка (čétvorka) пе́тка (pétka) ше́стка (šéstka) се́думка (sédumka), се́дмица (sédmica)
о́сумка (ósumka), о́смица (ósmica) де́ветка (dévetka) де́сетка (désetka) џа́ндар (džándar) кра́лица (králica), да́ма (dáma) крал (kral) џо́кер (džóker)

The following documentation is automatically transcluded by the template {{table doc}}.

This template is a table cross-linking terms in Macedonian. Use this template in the "See also" section of all the members of this table, and the title entry as well:

===See also===
{{table:playing cards/mk}}

This table in all languages


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Complete this box with the appropriate language code at the end, ex.: "de" for German.
Preloaded text: Template:table:playing cards new.

All tables with "table:" prefix in Macedonian