identical cognates

identical cognates

In your edit summary to salt, you ask: "Why not provide the Norwegian word?" There are many words where both the Norwegian, Swedish and Danish cognates are the same, and it seems to me to simply clutter the text to put e.g. "Norwegian salt, Swedish salt, Danish salt" rather than simply e.g. "Norwegian, Swedish and Danish salt". Isn't that precisely why this template has this function anyway? (Barend (talk) 15:50, 14 April 2017 (UTC))

Barend (talk)15:50, 14 April 2017

But these are three different words with three different pronunciations. If someone with a screen reader views the page, they will hear "Norwegian and Swedish" and then salt in a Swedish pronunciation. Moreover, the link salt points to the Swedish section of the page.

CodeCat15:54, 14 April 2017

Well, if there is a consensus to remove this function of the template, I won't push the issue. Is there?

Barend (talk)17:56, 14 April 2017