
  • Page 2 nigger: WARNING: Possible unescaped vertical bar, saw 2=niggering#aa686c688a878c0b after url= {{quote-newsgroup|en|date=January 18 1997|author=Joe Frisch|url=|niggering#aa686c688a878c0b|title=Anglo-US relations under a Blair Government||rfc=true\n|passage=The gated community is a powerful tool in the systematic and sustained '''niggering''' of local 3rd-world communities - namely, in the book, the Hispanic (mostly wetbacK{{sic}}) community}}
  • Page 2 nigger: WARNING: Possible unescaped vertical bar, saw 2=niggering#54cc84552990d630 after url= {{quote-newsgroup|en|date=December 3 1999|author=Jeff Welch|url=|niggering#54cc84552990d630|title=Who is McGuyver and why was he "'''niggered'''?|newsgroup=seattle.general, December 3|rfc=true\n|passage=> He is on TV saying that he was "abused" by the police and treated like a nigger.}}
  • Page 6 after: WARNING: Possible unescaped vertical bar, saw 2=was after url= {{quote-book|en|title=Star of the Sea|page=40|author=Joseph O'Connor|year=2004|passage=When I woke up it was black-dark and the music '''was after''' stopping. I could taste the bread I '''was after''' eating in the dream, as sweet and luscious as any I ever knew|url=|was|am|are|is|were|been|being+after+washing|cleaning|finishing|eating%22&hl=en&ei=lnZBTuv7POfy0gGez5HKCQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=21&ved=0CIsBEOgBMBQ4eA#v=onepage&q=%22be|was|am|are|is|were|been|being%20after%20washing|cleaning|finishing|eating%22&f=false}}
  • Page 9 action: WARNING: Possible unescaped vertical bar, saw 2=her after url= {{quote-book|en|year=2007\n|publisher=The Stationery Office\n|editor=\n|author=Great Britain: Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman\n|title=Tax Credits: Getting it wrong? 5th report session 2006-2007\n|chapter=Case study: 11257\n|section=Chapter 2: Changes and developments since June 2005\n|url=|her|them%22&hl=en&ei=6JE9TOLeGouOjAfR_8H4Aw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CC0Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=%22actioned%20him|her|them%22&f=false\n|isbn=9780102951172\n|page=26\n|passage=HMRC said that one reason they had not '''actioned''' her appeal was because she had said in her appeal form ‘I am appealing against the overpayment for childcare for 2003-04, 2004-05’, thus implying she was disputing her ‘overpayment’.}}
  • Page 9 action: WARNING: Possible unescaped vertical bar, saw 2=her after url= {{quote-book|en|year=1844\n|year_published=\n|publisher=T. C. Newby\n|author=Robert Mackenzie Daniel\n|title=The Grave Digger: A novel by the author of The Scottish Heiress\n|volume=I\n|section=Chapter IX: How the Grave-differ entertained a lady\n|url=|her|them%22&hl=en&ei=6JE9TOLeGouOjAfR_8H4Aw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=5&ved=0CEEQ6AEwBA#v=onepage&q=%22actioned%20him|her|them%22&f=false\n|pages=189-190\n|passage=“Scrip threatened me at first with an action for slander—he spoke of actions to the wrong man though—action! no, no no. I should have '''actioned''' him—ha! ha! [...]”}}
  • Page 9 action: WARNING: Possible unescaped vertical bar, saw 2=her after url= {{quote-book|en|year=1871\n|year_published=2002\n|publisher=Oxford University Press US\n|author=Michael Shermer\n|quotee={{w|Alfred Russell Wallace}}\n|title=In Darwin’s shadow: The Life and Science of Alfred Russell Wallace\n|section=Chapter 10. Heretic Personality\n|url=|her|them%22&hl=en&ei=6JE9TOLeGouOjAfR_8H4Aw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=2&ved=0CDIQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q=%22actioned%20him%22&f=false\n|isbn=9780195148305\n|page=261\n|passage=I have '''actioned''' him for Libel, but he won’t plead, and says he will make himself bankrupt & won’t pay a penny.}}
  • Page 36 avoirdupois: WARNING: Possible unescaped vertical bar, saw 2=year 2012 after url= {{quote-book|en|year=2012|author=Frank Lean|url=|year 2012|title=Boiling Point|passage=The detective sergeant, who was called Munro, more than made up for Cullen's advance in the '''avoirdupois''' department. Lean to the point of emaciation, Munro was also a paragon of contemporary fashion. He was clad in a hideous brown suit {{...}} }}
  • Page 44 précis: WARNING: Possible unescaped vertical bar, saw 2=pr%C3%A9cised after url= {{quote-book\n|en\n|year=1983\n|author=Philip Priestley, James McGuire\n|title=Learning to Help: Basic Skills Excercises\n|section=Counseling\n|url=|pr%C3%A9cised|%22to+pr%C3%A9cis%22&hl=en&ei=fC0lTKXiN8LqONKs8PsC&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=2&ved=0CCwQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q&f=false\n|isbn=9780422774802\n|page=71\n|passage=If the inital {{sic}} <!--please CHECK if it's misspelled in original text or not--> passage consists of a series of paragraphs, each with a one-sentence summary, the individual's success in managing to '''précis''' the essential content of the message can then be assessed}}
  • Page 44 précis: WARNING: Possible unescaped vertical bar, saw 2=pr%C3%A9cised after url= {{quote-book\n|en\n|year=1996\n|author=Richard Palmer\n|edition=Second edition\n|publisher=Taylor & Francis\n|title=Brain train: studying for success\n|chapter=Creative Doodling: Note-taking for fun and profit\n|url=|pr%C3%A9cised|%22to+pr%C3%A9cis%22&hl=en&ei=cCslTJ6PIYKiOP3EiMEC&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=4&ved=0CDMQ6AEwAzgK#v=onepage&q&f=false\n|isbn=9780419198307\n|page=124\n|passage=Nevertheless, to be required to '''précis''' say 5000 words on a single sheet of A4 has the advantage of ''simplicity''<!--italics in original-->, even if it isn’t easy.}}
  • Page 44 précis: WARNING: Possible unescaped vertical bar, saw 2=pr%C3%A9cised after url= {{quote-book\n|en\n|year=2005\n|publisher=Nelson Thornes\n|author=Mike Cardwell, Cara Flanagan\n|title=Psychology AS: The Complete Companion\n|section=Module 2: Developmental psychology: Attachments in development\n|url=|pr%C3%A9cised|%22to+pr%C3%A9cis%22&hl=en&ei=PiwlTKaVHcvvOff2pfgC&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=8&ved=0CEcQ6AEwBzgK#v=onepage&q=precis&f=false\n|isbn=9780748794638\n|page=73\n|passage=We think it is vital to learn how to '''précis''', and to improve this skill with regular practice.}}
  • Page 44 précis: WARNING: Possible unescaped vertical bar, saw 2=pr%C3%A9cised after url= {{quote-book\n|en\n|year=2007\n|edition=Large print version\n|publisher=The Stationery Office\n|author=Disability Rights Commission\n|title=Code of practice post-16: code of practice (revised) for providers of post-16 education and related services\n|url=|pr%C3%A9cised|%22to+pr%C3%A9cis%22&hl=en&ei=8ywlTKCUFMakOJmlycwC&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=8&ved=0CEcQ6AEwBzgU#v=onepage&q&f=false\n|isbn=9780117037304\n|page=101\n|passage=She also asks if she can leave out the questions asking her to write a business letter and to '''précis''' because she feels that these questions would substantially disadvantage her because of her dyslexia. The education provider would not have to make this adjustment because these questions are there to determine her competence at writing and '''précising''', so are part of the competence standard being tested.}}
  • Page 82 shrill: WARNING: Possible unescaped vertical bar, saw 2=figure 49.1 caption after section=part L (Ultrasonic Vocalization in Other Vertebrate Taxa): {{quote-book|en|author=Jaco Bakker|author2=Johannes A. M. Langermans|chapter=Ultrasonic Components of Vocalizations in Marmosets|editor=Stefan M. Brudzynski|title=Handbook of Ultrasonic Vocalization: A Window into the Emotional Brain|series=Handbook of Behavioral Neuroscience|sectionvolume=25|location=London; San Diego, Calif.|publisher={{w|Academic Press}}|year=2018|section=part L (Ultrasonic Vocalization in Other Vertebrate Taxa)|figure 49.1 caption|page=539|pageurl=|column=2|isbn=978-0-12-809600-0|passage=Sonographic example of two consecutive loud '''shrills''' of a common marmoset, showing sound frequencies of harmonics reaching into the ultrasonic range.}}
  • Page 93 uproar: WARNING: Possible unescaped vertical bar, saw 5=page 110, note after section=Part II: {{quote-book|en|1661|{{w|William Caton}}|The Abridgment of {{w|Eusebius}} Pamphilius’s Ecclesiastical History|location=London|publisher=Francis Holden|year_published=1698|section=Part II|page 110, note|url=|text={{...}} through their Tumultuous '''Uproaring''' have they caused the peaceable and harmless to suffer {{...}}}}
  • Page 150 achever: WARNING: Possible unescaped vertical bar, saw 2=Chapitre III after url=[s:fr: Les Dents du tigre{{!}}fr.Wikisource]: {{quote-book|fr|year=1920|author=Maurice Leblanc|title=Les Dents du tigre|url=[s:fr: Les Dents du tigre{{!}}fr.Wikisource]|Chapitre III|passage=Avec ça qu’elle mettait des gants, elle, pour vous attaquer ! Allons, patron, '''achevez'''-la. Une pareille diablesse ! |t=She had her gloves on to attack you. Come on, boss, '''finish her off'''. Such a devil!}}
  • Page 151 외국인: WARNING: Possible unescaped vertical bar, saw 2=en after url= {{quote-journal|ko|url=|2=en|year=2014|first=Four|last=Bars|title=Foreigner|work=Sorry, I was drunk: Random ramblings about life and stuff.|publisher=BlogSpot|passage=I don't like the way Koreans use the word "'''외국인'''." Despite what it means in the dictionary, in [South] Korea "foreigner" has definite racial connotations. Foreigner is almost synonymous with white people.|accessdate=5 February 2023|archiveurl=|archivedate=17 April 2015}}
  • Page 162 splendiloquent: WARNING: Possible unescaped vertical bar, saw 2=volume-17 after url= {{quote-journal|en|year=2006|author=Nigel J. Jamieson|title=The Ubiquitous Book Review|journal=Law & Critique|url=|volume-17|issue=2|page=218\n|passage=Tirelessly swimming through de Quincy’s ‘department of impassioned prose,’ either in '''splendiloquent''' support of some new work or in dismissal of its shortcomings, is vouchsafed to few reviewers.}}
  • Page 176 fat finger: WARNING: Possible unescaped vertical bar, saw 2=section 9.3.9 (Operational Risk) after section=part III (Risk Management and Strategies): {{quote-book|en|author=Jan De Spiegeleer|author2=Wim Schoutens|chapter=Measuring the Risk|title=The Handbook of Convertible Bonds: Pricing, Strategies and Risk Management|location=Chichester, West Sussex|publisher=[[w:Wiley (publisher)|John Wiley & Sons]]|year=2011|section=part III (Risk Management and Strategies)|section 9.3.9 (Operational Risk)|page=250|pageurl=|isbn=978-0-470-68968-4|passage=A typical operational risk that needs to be countered is the ‘'''fat finger'''’ where, in stressful and fast-moving markets, a trader might key in a wrong order. There are numerous examples where such an order moved the market and generated a loss for the executing firm. A '''fat finger''' limit will prevent a portfolio manager keying in a trade with a size beyond a particular trigger level.}}
  • Page 179 trinkly: WARNING: Possible unescaped vertical bar, saw 5=? after url= {{quote-book|en|2005|Justin Chin|Attack of the man-eating lotus blossoms|url=|?|I went through my Madonna circa "Lucky Star" phase, with netted shirts, funky belts, and arms full of '''trinkly''' bracelets.}}
  • Page 182 gold plate: WARNING: Possible unescaped vertical bar, saw 2=regulations after url= {{quote-book|en|year=2010|publisher=OCED Publishing\n|author=Organisation of Economic Co-Operation and Development\n|title=Better Regulation in Europe: Netherlands 2010\n|chapter=The interface between members states and the European Union\n|url=|regulations|laws&hl=en&ei=1npFTJSSBcSqlAeQtLXsAw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CC4Q6AEwADgU#v=onepage&q=%22gold%20plated%22&f=false\n|isbn=9789264084513|page=116\n|passage=For example the packaging directive was '''gold plated''' in transposition.}}
  • Page 190 Citations:tip: WARNING: Possible unescaped vertical bar, saw 2=southernmost after url=*+tip%22+subject:fiction+-%22northernmost: {{quote-book|en|title=Uprising|page=27|author=Yusuf Jah|coauthors=Shah'Keyah Jah|year=1997|passage=I was around Big Jimel Barnes, which him, Tookie, and Raymond Washington were OG Crips that we all used to look up to back in the day, so they were like my idols as far as on the Crippin' '''tip''', they were my big homiez, and I wanted to be like my big homeboys|url=*+tip%22+subject:fiction+-%22northernmost|southernmost|southern|easternmost|northern|rubbish|southeastern|eastern|glowing|western|westernmost|northeastern|southwestern+tip%22&hl=en&ei=uqRfTqTTJ8Ha0QGt-bWOAw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=11&ved=0CFkQ6AEwCjisAg#v=onepage&q=%22on%20the%20*%20tip%22%20subject%3Afiction%20-%22northernmost|southernmost|southern|easternmost|northern|rubbish|southeastern|eastern|glowing|western|westernmost|northeastern|southwestern%20tip%22&f=false}}
  • Page 190 Citations:tip: WARNING: Possible unescaped vertical bar, saw 2=southernmost after url=*+tip%22+subject:fiction+-%22northernmost: {{quote-book|en|title=Blessings|page=36|author=Sheneska Jackson|year=1999|passage=She was hip-hop smoothed out on the R&B '''tip'''. She was hot links and baked beans. She was Ebony magazine, forget Vogue and Cosmopolitan. She was black, through and through, only you couldn't tell that by looking at her.|url=*+tip%22+subject:fiction+-%22northernmost|southernmost|southern|easternmost|northern|rubbish|southeastern|eastern|glowing|western|westernmost|northeastern|southwestern+tip%22&hl=en&ei=Hp9fTpulOcPI0AHY0vTsAg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=17&ved=0CHMQ6AEwEDha#v=onepage&q=%22on%20the%20*%20tip%22%20subject%3Afiction%20-%22northernmost|southernmost|southern|easternmost|northern|rubbish|southeastern|eastern|glowing|western|westernmost|northeastern|southwestern%20tip%22&f=false}}
  • Page 191 Citations:be after: WARNING: Possible unescaped vertical bar, saw 2=was after url= {{quote-book|en|title=Star of the Sea|page=40|author=Joseph O'Connor|year=2004|passage=When I woke up it was black-dark and the music '''was after''' stopping. I could taste the bread I '''was after''' eating in the dream, as sweet and luscious as any I ever knew|url=|was|am|are|is|were|been|being+after+washing|cleaning|finishing|eating%22&hl=en&ei=lnZBTuv7POfy0gGez5HKCQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=21&ved=0CIsBEOgBMBQ4eA#v=onepage&q=%22be|was|am|are|is|were|been|being%20after%20washing|cleaning|finishing|eating%22&f=false}}
  • Page 192 limbolike: WARNING: Possible unescaped vertical bar, saw 2=passageilt, The Cub, Planet of Lana, and similar platformers demand a new term: the ‘Limbolike’. after url= {{quote-journal|en|year=2022|author=Ari Notis|title=Everyone Wants To Make The Next Limbo|work=Kotaku|url=|passageilt, The Cub, Planet of Lana, and similar platformers demand a new term: the ‘Limbolike’.}}
  • Page 194 Citations:break bad: WARNING: Possible unescaped vertical bar, saw 2=breaks after url= {{quote-book|en|title=Crooked trials and straight|page=134|author=William MacLeod Raine|year=1913|passage=Half the bad men are only coltish cowpunchers gone wrong through rotten whiskey and luck '''breaking bad''' for them.|url=|breaks|breaking|broke|broken+bad%22+-%22bad+news%22+-%22bad+habits%22+-%22bad+health%22+-%22bad+laws%22&hl=en&ei=sUBKTty1E-bf0QHvn6nrBw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=28&ved=0CLABEOgBMBs4Wg#v=onepage&q=%22break|breaks|breaking|broke|broken%20bad%22%20-%22bad%20news%22%20-%22bad%20habits%22%20-%22bad%20health%22%20-%22bad%20laws%22&f=false}}
  • Page 194 Citations:break bad: WARNING: Possible unescaped vertical bar, saw 2=breaks after url= {{quote-book|en|title=Inside Mrs. B's classroom|page=96|author=Leslie Baldacci|year=2003|passage=I swore I would never cry in front of my students, no matter how bad it got, just as I've never cried in front of a boss when things '''broke bad'''|url=|breaks|breaking|broke|broken+bad%22+-%22bad+news%22+-%22bad+habits%22+-%22bad+health%22+-%22bad+laws%22&hl=en&ei=iz9KTufqMIvrgQea_axz&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=9&ved=0CFUQ6AEwCDg8#v=onepage&q=%22break|breaks|breaking|broke|broken%20bad%22%20-%22bad%20news%22%20-%22bad%20habits%22%20-%22bad%20health%22%20-%22bad%20laws%22&f=false}}
  • Page 194 Citations:break bad: WARNING: Possible unescaped vertical bar, saw 2=breaks after url= {{quote-book|en|title=Full Cry|page=327|author=Rita Mae Brown|year=2004|passage=Lawrence Pollard, the first man hanged there, wasn't evil, just greedy. It was 1702, wasn't it? But some of the others, probably psychopaths, are evil. Or maybe some just '''broke bad''', like Fontaine Buruss '''broke bad'''.|url=|breaks|breaking|broke|broken+bad%22+-%22bad+news%22+-%22bad+habits%22+-%22bad+health%22+-%22bad+laws%22&hl=en&ei=fTxKTvmcIMPf0QHPl7XrBw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=10&ved=0CFoQ6AEwCTge#v=onepage&q=%22break|breaks|breaking|broke|broken%20bad%22%20-%22bad%20news%22%20-%22bad%20habits%22%20-%22bad%20health%22%20-%22bad%20laws%22&f=false}}
  • Page 199 misle: WARNING: Possible unescaped vertical bar, saw 2=sort:date/alt.usage.english/-R1UAEjdNYs/tS1CHJuXqaoJ after url=!search/%22misling%22: {{quote-newsgroup|en|date=September 21, 2014|author=|title=Peter T. Daniels|url=!search/%22misling%22|sort:date/alt.usage.english/-R1UAEjdNYs/tS1CHJuXqaoJ|newsgroup=alt.usage.english|passage=Once again youse guys were '''misling''' me with "Asian" -- I wondered whether it might relate somehow to Singapore-Chinese "la," which serves a similar function.}}
  • Page 215 tertawa: WARNING: Possible unescaped vertical bar, saw 2=id after url= {{quote-web|id|date=May 4, 2015|work=BBC|url=|id|passage=Kita sering kali menemukan diri kita '''tertawa''' pada saat-saat yang paling aneh.|translation=We often find ourselves '''laughing''' at the most bizarre moments.}}
  • Page 226 demideity: WARNING: Possible unescaped vertical bar, saw 2=passageIf the remark be confined to that loftiest sort of heroism, moral bravery, which consists in defying the coalesced opinions of mankind, in obedience to the dictates of conscience, that god within the bosom, and in favor of the right cause, the fact is perfectly true. But if the term, courage, is intended to denote the mere physical quality, the attribute which we possess in common with most animals, the proposition is utterly false. The prowess is of the same specific character with that of the duellist, and often not even superior in degree, which has made the hero and the demideity since the dawn of universal history. after url= {{quote-book|en|year=1856|title=The Rangers and Regulators of the Tanaha, or, Life Among the Lawless: A Tale of the Republic of Texas|author=Alfred W. Arrington|publisher=R. M. De Witt|isbn=|page=117|url=|passageIf the remark be confined to that loftiest sort of heroism, moral bravery, which consists in defying the coalesced opinions of mankind, in obedience to the dictates of conscience, that god within the bosom, and in favor of the right cause, the fact is perfectly true. But if the term, courage, is intended to denote the mere physical quality, the attribute which we possess in common with most animals, the proposition is utterly false. The prowess is of the same specific character with that of the duellist, and often not even superior in degree, which has made the hero and the '''demideity''' since the dawn of universal history.}}
  • Page 227 DMAB: WARNING: Possible unescaped vertical bar, saw 2=[page] after url= {{quote-journal|en|year=2013|author=Annika Penelope|title=10 Things I Wish I’d Known When I Started My Transition|journal=Huffington Post|url=|[page]|passage=But my two-year anniversary on hormones seems like the perfect time to begin the next chapter of my life, a chapter that focuses less on my gender and the fact that I was '''DMAB'''.}}
  • Page 247 Citations:legitimate rape: WARNING: Possible unescaped vertical bar, saw 2=sort:date/alt.fifty-plus.friends/jp6c8M99Eo0/H4A47G0UGpUJ after url=!search/%22legitimate$20rape%22: {{quote-newsgroup |en| date = August 22, 2012 | first = | last = | author = Sir Gregory Hall, Esq. | title = Re: What is "legitimate rape"? | newsgroup = alt.fifty-plus.friends | id = | url =!search/%22legitimate$20rape%22|sort:date/alt.fifty-plus.friends/jp6c8M99Eo0/H4A47G0UGpUJ | passage =There are also plenty of cases where some slut has second thoughts after having gotten drunk and willingly having sex like pulling the train at a party but for some reason or another decides to deny, after the fact, that she was a willing participant, so she yells rape. I would say any such cases are not '''legitimate rape'''. }}
  • Page 247 Citations:legitimate rape: WARNING: Possible unescaped vertical bar, saw 2=sort:date/ after url=!search/%22legitimate$20rape%22: {{quote-newsgroup |en| date = May 29, 2013 | first = | last = | author = RazerX | title = Re: Legitimate rape pinball | newsgroup = | id = | url =!search/%22legitimate$20rape%22|sort:date/ | passage =Looks about as much fun as '''legitimate rape'''. I'm gonna hold out for the LE. }}
  • Page 247 Citations:legitimate rape: WARNING: Possible unescaped vertical bar, saw 2=sort:date/ after url=!search/%22legitimate$20rape%22: {{quote-newsgroup |en| date = July 8, 2014 | first = | last = | author = Trijcomm | title = Christian ICON Mike Huckabee Says "Legitimate rape" Todd Akin Was Attacked For Being A Christian | newsgroup = | id = | url =!search/%22legitimate$20rape%22|sort:date/ | passage = Although Akin attempted to apologize for his infamous ''''legitimate rape'''' remark during his campaign, he now says that nothing he said was wrong and insists he was attacked for simply trying to promote biblical values in politics. }}
  • Page 247 Citations:legitimate rape: WARNING: Possible unescaped vertical bar, saw 2=sort:date/ after url=!search/%22legitimate$20rape%22: {{quote-newsgroup |en| date = October 25, 2015 | first = Keyser | last = Soze | author = | title = Re: Legitimate Rape...Again | newsgroup = | id = | url =!search/%22legitimate$20rape%22|sort:date/ | passage = 'Just like any rape, you have to report it, and you have to prove it,' Brattin tells Mother Jones. 'So you couldn't just go and say, 'Oh yeah, I was raped,' and get an abortion. It has to be a '''legitimate rape.'''' '''Legitimate rape'''…again. Asshole usual. }}
  • Page 248 pronoiar: WARNING: Possible unescaped vertical bar, saw 2=9780814781913 after url= {{quote-book|en|quoted_in=Freedom: A History|first=Donald W.|last=Treadgold|publisher=[[w:NYU Press|NYU Press]]|year=1990|url=|9780814781913|page=113|quotee=[[w:George Ostrogorsky|George Ostrogorsky]]|title=History of the Byzantine State|passage=The '''pronoiar''' now had the obligation of military service . . . [his] estate was not the private property of the '''pronoiar''', but was unalienable, and to begin with it was also not heritable.}}
  • Page 256 Cihtong: WARNING: Possible unescaped vertical bar, saw 2=volume-6\n after url=\n: {{quote-journal\n|en\n|year=2013\n|last=Chiu\n|first=Yi-Chich; et al.\n|title=Development of an Automatic Tray-Discharging System for Rice Seedlings\n|journal=Engineering in Agriculture, Environment and Food\n|url=\n|volume-6\n|issue=1\n|doi=10.1016/S1881-8366(13)80014-6\n|issn=1881-8366\n|oclc=1080892968\n|page=32\n|text=The developed tray-discharging system was installed in a rice seedling nursery, '''Cihtong''', in Yun-Lin county, Taiwan and connected to the existed transport gantry.}}
  • Page 261 bebenang: WARNING: Possible unescaped vertical bar, saw 2= after url= {{quote-journal|ms|author=Dr. Anis Yusal Yusoff|title=Negaraku, tanah tumpah darahku|trans-title=My country, for whom I spill my blood|journal={{w|Utusan Malaysia}}|url=||archivedate=20 May 2021|year=2021|passage=''Lihat sahaja komen pada '''bebenang''' sosial media milik pemimpin-pemimpin negara.''|translation=}}
  • Page 282 Citations:Cihtong: WARNING: Possible unescaped vertical bar, saw 2=volume-6\n after url=\n: {{quote-journal\n|en\n|year=2013\n|last=Chiu\n|first=Yi-Chich; et al.\n|title=Development of an Automatic Tray-Discharging System for Rice Seedlings\n|journal=Engineering in Agriculture, Environment and Food\n|url=\n|volume-6\n|issue=1\n|doi=10.1016/S1881-8366(13)80014-6\n|issn=1881-8366\n|oclc=1080892968\n|page=32\n|text=The developed tray-discharging system was installed in a rice seedling nursery, '''Cihtong''', in Yun-Lin county, Taiwan and connected to the existed transport gantry.}}
  • Page 289 Citations:fluffbunny: WARNING: Possible unescaped vertical bar, saw 2= after url= {{quote-newsgroup|en|date=30 April 1999|author=Rorik|title=Re: They WHAT?|url=||newsgroup=alt.religion.asatru|passage=It is a source of acute embarrassment to me that airheaded '''fluffbunnies''' like those who began this thread believe they have *anything* in common with Asatruar.}}
  • Page 290 fluffbunny: WARNING: Possible unescaped vertical bar, saw 2= after url= {{quote-newsgroup|en|date=30 April 1999|author=Rorik|title=Re: They WHAT?|url=||newsgroup=alt.religion.asatru|passage=It is a source of acute embarrassment to me that airheaded '''fluffbunnies''' like those who began this thread believe they have *anything* in common with Asatruar.}}
  • Page 303 خفت و خیز: WARNING: Possible unescaped vertical bar, saw 2= after url=: {{quote-book|fa|title={{lang|fa|شاهنامه}}|trans-title={{w|Shahnameh|Book of Kings}}|year=c. 1011|author={{w|Ferdowsi|Abu'l-Qāsim Firdawsī}}|chapter=Bahrām-i Gōr|url=||text=بخواهد همان دخترش از پدر<br>نهد بی‌گمان بر سرش تاج زر<br>نیابد همی سیری از خفت و خیز<br>شب تیره زو جفت گیرد گریز|tr=bixwāhad hamān duxtar-aš az pidar<br>nihad bē gumān bar sar-aš tāj-i zar<br>na-yābad hamē sērī az '''xuft u xēz'''<br>šab-i tēra z-ō juft gīrad gurēz|t=He asks for that very girl from her father,<br>No doubt he shall place a gold crown on her head.<br>He finds '''sex''' to be never enough,<br>His mate finds release from him [only] at dark night.|footer=(Classical Persian romanization)}}