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Hey there! I have a mainly scholarly knowledge of Yiddish and try to add the flavour of the dialects where I can to balance out the standardisation. I speak Varshever Yiddish specifically (Poylish shebePoylin!) but I feel all dialect speakers (i.e. 99% of Yiddish speakers) can appreciate that when we look up a word with vov-yud, it's frustrating that we don't know how to pronounce it. That and the many exceptions to regular rules like recent NHG and Slavic loans. Still getting to grips with how Wiktionary works, so appreciate all the help I can get!

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Warsaw Yiddish Dialect Materials


(to be organised in some manner useful to wiktionary)

  • Use of נו יעמוד as excuse me.
    • With the traditional tune?
    • ni yaaymoyd
  • שכּור־בּעלע very drunk
    • pr. shiko-belye
    • from polish bela meaning bale, maybe a calque from polish pijany jak bela (blind drunk, drunk as a skunk)
    • I think it's only as a substansive adjective
      • ביינאכט אויפן אלטן מארק, פרץ: Klezmer, act three: "zen'mir ale shiker - bele..."
  • ברודאס male
    • from polish brudas
    • pronounced [bʁuːdəs] in warsaw
    • filthy, dirty, gross person
    • what's the plural? Recent slavic loan points to -es but that s on the end makes me want to say brudeysim.
  • אוליע־מאיר,גוליע־מאיר a real dummy, a long thin stupid boy
    • guła is indyk in the poznań dialect of polish, as well as gulon in mazurka. The turkey is a symbol of stupidity. Don't know if it's spelt מאיר as in the name or some word I don't know pronounced identically
    • pr. g/ulye maaer
  • שטשיפיאר/שטשיפיער not just chives/scallions, but the green bits of onions that come up from the ground too
    • only plural I think
  • נאטש(natsh) the leaves of carrots, beetroots and parsley? Parsnip? Petrishke from polish nać
  • sforzhen ספארזשען, a lowly, base and vile person
    • from polish sworzeń
  • כליס a worthless, stupid birdbrain
    • from polish chłystek, a type of bird thought to be stupid
    • ער איז א פויער א כליס
  • לאפעטוט(ן lapetu:tn, lowly person, senseless person, gremlin (metaphoric), small person
  • פעליק fellik, fully, completely, entirely. See German völlig.
    • Vaynraykh (Max) in Daytshmerish toyg nit, says that this isn't overly daytshmerish. Probably from the nearness to the West. However, I don't know whether it came from MHG, NHG or something else entirely
  • רעסטאָראַציע for restaurant
  • האַק מיר נישט קיין פיעקעליק
    • stop bothering me, same as tshaynik
    • pyekelik is the space behind the oven I believe?
  • יערן is pronounced yoyrn in accordance with the past participle
  • קאָליר is pronounced kolyeyr קאלער
  • cholera, כאליערע is pronounced kholyere with only final vowel shwa and only l palatised
  • גאספאדיניע gospodyni. Hostess, housewife, baleboste
    • Bay a gute gospodinye iz tomid ful in der skrinye - a good housewife always has a lot in the pantry
  • skrinye - pantry, food storage room/cupboard in the kitchen
  • גרויסאַרטיק immense, magnificent, delicious adj. Adv.
    • pronounced gro:sartik, so must be NHG loan right? großartig
  • דאַמענערע, daameney're
    • the respect and honour due a women just for being a woman, chivalry in modern English I'd suppose
  • פראצע Protse(s)
    • slingshots
  • haltn a voyne וווינע
    • The kids used to have a slingshot battle with the shkotsim by bonifratn gas, this was called "haltn a voyne"
  • מליץ maylits
    • Word for police used by the people illegally selling goods on Sunday
    • Would warn one another with "a meylets geyt"
    • Apparently related to militsyant, milicjant (hebraised?)
  • טשאסטע tshaste (in polish ciastko) a cake
    • pyanove t"" - cream cake (from polish piana), also a woman who is shabby and unkempt
    • tortove t"" - apparently a layered sponge cake soaked in different kinds of wine according to "Our Hero The Remarkable Life of Pinchas Kurnedz"
    • vayntshaste - wine cake (differs from above how?)
    • tshokoladove t"" - Chocolate cake
    • kezkikhl - cheesecake
    • eyer-kikhl - egg cake (usually had with some 96er bronfn before the famous varshever gehakte fish)
    • epl-kikhl - apple cake
    • flodn - pronounced fludn
    • lekekh - pronounced leykokh, usually dipped in wine
  • kavyarnye(s) - cafe(s)
  • tshastkarnye(s) - Konditorei, cake shop
  • vistave - window display, exhibition
  • yasne - light (beer) yasne bir
    • yavne veyasne, yasne veyavne - clear and explicit, crystal clear יאוונע ויאסנע
  • a pik - a portion of food (a peck?). Pikn was often used in the sense "to eat" so?
  • gorkikhn - cook shop, greasy takeout joint
  • muzhke - soup
  • kolatsye - dinner, supper, nakhtmol, vyethere
  • bobolokh and not beblekh
  • kliskelekh mit bebelekh popular dish
  • אויסנייגן oysneygn/pr. oosnaygn
    • Sucking the last drops out of something from which one has earlier drunk.
  • אנטקומען ווערן antkumen vern/ antkimmen veern
    • vanish, dissapear, abscond, escape
  • באשטאנד bashtand
    • a bad condition, a bad situation (see what you've done? a sheyn bashtand hostu mir gemakht!)
  • ער לייגט די בייגל אויף מיר
    • He's putting the blame on me (baygl most likely related to egel [hazohov])
  • גודערן gu:dern
    • The first noises a baby makes.
  • גאספאראן gas'poron
  • איינשטיין א געראנדע אין די אויגן aynshteyn a gerande in di oygn
    • Had more detail about gerande/grande from other source, must put that up
    • Telling a huge lie to the face
  • s'kol zol dir gelegert/gelegn vern
    • You should lose your voice? opgenumen vern
  • halbzaydn broyt
    • dark bread, but not as dark "rozeve broyt" a hearty, dark black bread made with thick-ground

rye flour, "rozever" referring to the round shape apparently

  • hop'tshetshak
    • When somebody wants to skip out on paying when others in his group are, one says "er geyt shoin hoptshetshak
  • hots'mekha
    • Also boyberik, hotsnplotsk, pipiduvka
    • a far off place, woop woop
  • heys gebodn
    • either a yakhsn, someone rolling in dough. Alternatively, someone embarrassed or ashamed about to burst into tears. Alternatively, someone angry. ???
  • tshap'tshak
    • a man dressed shabbily, unkempt. Only a man.
  • pr. yeysres יתרות
    • s'kumt im nokh a yeysres When somebody does badly but still wants to get paid one says this.
  • יוקס Pronunciation unknown
    • Bad merchandise, bad skhoyre
  • מאטלען motlen/ pr. mu:tlye(n)
    • gossiping, redn rekhiles
  • mazri:'e מאזריע
    • Cucumber salad, cut cucumbers in vinegar
  • for'hant פארהאנט
    • precedence. Example is specific to card games "ver hot forhant?" who gets the first cards?
  • פאר די האנט far' di hant
    • meanwhile, for the time being "vos shpeter vet zayn, veys me nit. Ober far di hant, zet es oys a gute shidekh"
  • for in gas arayn!
    • get out of here!
  • צעלעכצט
    • (of a barrel) falling apart. Beginning to fall apart.
  • tseleyger
    • a very good worker. Only used ironically.
  • tsu'shantsn
    • giving a chance, giving an opportunity, take a chance (on someone)
  • lal'ekhe
    • a grob, narish meydl.
  • shtekhelirn
    • critiquing, criticizing someone through shtekhvertlekh (taunting insults, biting words)
  • sha'lef
    • a gezunter, fester sheygets ??
  • Shvoyltog, especially in a shvarts shvoyltog
    • sarcastic form of voyltog. Must add series of Warsaw shpet loshn...
  • shmaylik pr. shmaalik
    • yikhesdik, only used for merchandise, skhoyre. Shmaylike skhoyre, everything is expensive. Fancy-shmancy?
  • שעמהיטל
    • disgrace, shame. To aropvarfn eyners shemhitl
  • khumikl כומיקל
    • Someone seemingly quiet and naive, but actually uses that as a facade for egotistic purposes
  • לאזן in the sense bleeding (regarding paint), running, oyskrikhn
    • לאזן אן אדער, opening a vein to get blood out
  • lebn bay
    • a side hustle, a secondary source of income "er makht a sakh lebn bay", umshtandvort
  • מערביק pro. maarbik
    • Crisp, dos kikhl is merbik
  • מארקער marker' (e or ey? Find etymology...)
    • bartender
  • מושב moyshef
    • oy iz a moyshef bay ir in shtub! a disorder in balabatishkayt
  • בעל-מצווה (bal-mitsve) instead of bar mitsve
  • מענטליק, מאכן א מענטליק mentlik
    • constantly pointing out the good you did someone "makh mir nisht keyn mentlik un borg mir nisht keyn gelt"
    • Being bothersome in general
    • Making rich, doing a favour (ironic)
  • moyshe groys, different form of moyshe groyser
  • a lek iber der stetske
    • very strong flattery "az du vest im gebn a lek iber der stetske, vet er alts tun far dir"
  • sige
    • a grimace, sigele about children (short i)
  • ove-tove sp=pr
    • in any which way, whatever, no matter what, however
    • unexpectedly, right as one is talking, without warning
  • ayzngar/gor/gur?, strong thread that housewives use to sew by hand
  • okh'lyap(es)
    • nisht reyn gekleydt man, originally edible organs from an beheyme?
  • opheymen
    • shtark shlogn
  • opveln upvelyn
    • boiling milk
  • zhontse(s)
    • manager, house agent
  • struzh
    • janitorial administrator of buildings
  • nashn-veyndele(kh), dos
    • Ponytail, hairstyle
  • vern trogn
    • Become pregnant
  • ristokrat(n) instead of aristokrat
  • goyishke instead of goyishe
  • sarne = vos far a
  • afilish/afilik for afile
  • sprave, [legal] case, matter
  • sond, court
  • oblave, raid
  • poznanye, identification (of a suspect)
  • sondzenye, trial
  • byure-shledztve, investigation bureau
  • tshyemnye, dark room (jail cell)
  • virok, sentence (punishment for a crime)
  • protokol, protocol
  • sekretn, secret
  • frinter, earlier (frier)
  • har lebn- dear lord?
  • stsyarkye, dishcloth, a cloth, teatowel
  • pyarg spelt pyerg (pierogi, vulva)
  • tsareven (spelled tsireven/tsereven)
  • karts (spelled kerts), a bushel
  • fur - before, earlier. Also in prefix fuoshtelyn shtely no fuo
  • foyert (earlier, frier, vor?, Adverb)
  • foyrang (precedence, priority, right of way)
  • gevoyr(e) veyrn spelled gevore vern, find out
  • undz instead of mir
    • Ints bazikhnmir nisht deym mensh kayenmu:el(we never visit this person)
  • em/eym instead of im
  • ets and enk/eynk instead of ir and aykh
  • yu:rnkipo/yornkiper instead of yom kiper
  • barn tish instead of bay dem tish/bam tish
  • kavalir pro. kavalyeyo cavalier, young man, boyfriend, bachelor
  • kolir pr. kolyeyo colour
  • sale pr. salye, event hall
  • glatik instead of glat
  • biskl instead of biz
  • Eym/im becomes n after prepositions always and also in other cases
    • barn (bay im), nokhn (nokh im), gleyb ikh'n (ikh im)
    • in fact, general movement of stress to preposition: farze, tsuze, baze (far zey, tsu zey, bay zey), mitmo (mit mir) etc.
  • dem/deym shortened to n not m
    • tsun (tsum), ban/barn (baym)
  • aggyis neyfesh (with geminated gimmel) for agmes nefesh
    • More used by women apparently
  • obilizatsye instead of mobilizatsye
  • rothoyz pr. ru:'tes (town hall)
  • vorhayt pr vu:'ret (truth)
  • s'vor (verily, "take emes")
  • gi:ln spelt gulden
  • bisn(s) morsel(s), bite(s)
  • knokhn(s) knob
  • geltn, plural of gelt
  • flashn, plural of bottle
  • gorset' corset
  • blyon/belyon, balloon
  • kaalo spelled kayler, is a butcher, katsev is not really used. Not specifically non-jewish
    • what about fleysher?
  • shopnfeler, shop lifter
  • shlaysn pr. shlaasn. Wear down, tear out. Specifically, removing the down from feathers
  • inglyand ?? england?
  • naftsyazh, nafta seller, petroleum seller
  • frizi:r', barber, hairstylist
  • koze instead of tsi:g
  • nikhtern as the uninflected and inflected base form of nikhter
  • zakhtsn, sixteen
  • fardn fourth (accusative masculine adj)
  • hindotstn (hunderstn) hundreth (accusative masc adj)
  • toozntstn thousandth ""
  • shvern geshvoyrn swear, swore
  • gefeln, gefoln to be pleasing
  • kveln, gekvoln to rejoice with, draw pleasure from
  • geshvoln vern, geshvoln? to swell, past swelled?
  • badarfn, badorfn/darfn, gedorfn to need, needed
  • helfn, geholfn help, helped
  • geru:tn, gegru:tn (gerotn, gegerotn) succeed; come to fruition; resemble (with "- in emetsn"); be clever and attractive
  • bori:me, gyibri:mt (barimen, gebarimtboast, gloat (with "zikh"); be known, be famous
  • shlaysn, ongeshlisn. stripping feathers of down
  • shakhtn, geshokhtn, slaughter
  • krign, gekrogn to receive
  • kri:khn, gekrokhn, to crawl
  • vendn, gevondn, to turn
  • breyngn, gebrengt, brought (not gebrakht)
  • oyvn and not oybn means above
    • but oybershter means upper
    • and eybershter means the lord on high
  • yettssn time adverb for now
    • because yetst rather than itst is the normal form in this dialect
    • also aye'tst, hitst
    • Yetst/atsind - now, at present (oder amol oder atsind, either then or now)
    • Itster eb okh eynk geyn du:s i du:es (Now I'll give you this and this)
    • Atsinder lomir gayn esn (now let's go eat)
    • ersht, in the adverbial sense of now. With a nuance of "this happened then and NOW this happened" or consequence "Now he tells me I need to pay up!"
      • heyrsht in varshe, heyrsh for the younger speakers. When unstressed: hersh, heysh
  • pamelekh pr. pameylokh slowly
    • diminutived adverb/adjective pameylochu (pamelekhl) or pameylochutshke(pemelekhltshke
  • miklyomposht/n instead of kloymersht, ostensibly, apparently
  • azistn, if not, were it not, when it weren't, otherwise, or else
  • tsishn instead of tsvishn
    • dertsishn, therein, there amongst, in the middle of
  • shatke, a net, network
  • shvent, holy, saint (shvente yon, saint john)
  • tsineyshtn, tsimeshtn(tsum ershtn) Firstly, earlier, at first
  • keygn pr. kaygn meaning contra
    • akaygnibo (antkegn iber) on the opposite side
  • dervegn (=vegn dem) or vegn derfun (vegn dem) about/on account of
  • pshepra'sham, excuse me! sorry!
    • response: "psheprasham is a lokshnbret!"
  • latsh(n) shoes (maybe just slip ons?)
  • lakirke(s) pr. lakorkyes patent leather shoes
  • lakirne shtivlekh, leather boots
  • khodnik, sidewalk (syn. tretuar)
  • -nik suffix pronounced -nyik
  • stetske, stetshke, path
  • vilgodne, a puddle
  • lon instead of lozn
  • bsomim biks, pr. psum'biks. Spice pouch.
    • Shmek mir tsum tsumbiks!
    • Also psumkestu/psimkestu
  • contraction of future tense auxiliary verb veln as: (ikh) eb('el), (zey) ebm(eln) etc. (du) 'est
  • sadzafke, pool, pond, small lake
  • visle Vistula (instead of vaysl)
  • lavke, (park) bench
  • pshepustke pass, permit
  • pozvolyen - clearance, licence
  • vishedlenye - displacement
    • vishedlyen - verb of above (transitive or intransitive?)
  • vazon'es - vases
  • plutsim, plutshalbn, plutsling - suddenly
  • stodole - barn
  • vyatrik, vyatrak - windmill, fan
  • gayove - gameskeeper, forrester, woodsman, ranger
  • statsye - station as opposed to standard stantsye
  • ris'even - drawing, sketching
  • zargen/smergen -זרק'ען - chucking, hurling, throwing far
  • skifke - the bit of metal at the bottom of a walking stick, also a mean word for a big nose
  • pisteven - calling someone through making a "pst" sound
  • pipets\pips - sound, rustle, not a peep out of you!
  • petlte/peklke - an eye, the thing a hook goes into in order to close a dress
  • prenge(s) - sharp blue bruise after being hit
  • shinyik - instead of standard sinik
  • smate - instead of standard shmate
  • potshe limonade - when one want's something from a kid, they give a fig and say(the second half): "azoy, a shtikl epl vilstu? na dir a potshe limonade"
  • fargapyen zikh - verb of gap, walking around absent minded, simple headed
  • geyn tsu di figur - to go around without an overcoat
  • foygl shprotser - a slingshot used to kill birds
  • fitsh/flitsh nas - very wet, soaked through
  • fingerik - thimble
  • fletsh - a place made wet that really needs to be dry
    • zi hot ongemakht a fletsh in shtub, she spilled (water) in her house where she should not have (on the floor for instance)
  • from'paly' - fool, gross person (zidlvort)
  • fareyletst - the condition of herring when it starts to smell bad.
  • tsuleygn - "lay out", beat up well.
  • tsvaleven - galloping boil, rolling boil, strongly boiling
  • zikh tsern - fast don't sleep eat poorly so that you don't get conscripted
  • kol'tan(es) - round spiky plants that get easily caught in the hair and are hard to get out
  • kanvenirn - to be of use, to be worthwhile
  • kase milyase - a whole lot, a big amount (kindershprakh)
  • k(o/a)ptshik/k(o/a)khtshik - zidlvort for a maid, female servant
  • קודל דע פי - makht k", to slit a throat euphemistically. In english I thing we use a gutteral fricative
  • "mit gri:ne varm in kiperne pisklyokh" as opposed to just "mit grine verem", with great difficulty
  • kayserke pr. like spelling as opposed to kaa - kaiser roll
  • ki:lshti:bl - morgue, place they keep the dead bodies in a hospital
  • kundshaft - clientele, where 1) they are a regular and 2) the seller is a producer and not just a merchant
  • klode - a fat woman (zidlvort)
  • kly(a/o)k - a bit of trouble, bad luck (person or situation or both?)
  • kelbik makhn - drive people into a stupor from so much talking
  • krukl'[y]er - someone who goes around constantly grumpy and complaining. scrooge.
    • also vos kruklstu? and vos biste azoy farkruklt?
  • krish - a small amount, a tiny bit a krish broyt
  • zikh krekn - choking on an excessive or poorly chewed chunk of food, also rhetorical for fumbling to get words out, beating around the bush
  • raandl (splt. randl) - a frying pan with a long handle
  • samakhod(n) pr. samakhu:d - an automobile
  • shodn vinkl - a person who causes damage due to clumsiness. A kluts I guess since klots in yiddish means a idiot haha
  • shulfirn - the celebration of the birth of a girl (bris for girls)
  • shi:f - aslant, oblique, sloping
  • shlifke - loop, usually on a belt
  • shrupke - cigarette butt, pr. like spelling
  • shrupshtik - vice, vise, metal clamp
  • podobne - similar (doesn't decline)
  • smutne pr. Like spelling - lonely, sorrowful, sad
  • dru:t instead of grod (even)
  • loylekh pr. Lo:lokh - lukewarm, tepid
  • zapas(n) - reserve(s), spare(s), left-over(s)
    • mir hobn nisht oyf kayn zapasn - we don't have anything saved up
  • pulkovnik - colonel
  • udzhal nemen sp = pr- take part
  • kshonts sp. ksiondz(es) - priest (neutral term), clergyman
  • puki ven sp = pr - as long as
  • meydltshine -pejorative suffix??
  • podraytshik - government supplier
  • sometimes kon sometimes ken, konen, kenen
  • sarne - vos far a, what a !
  • taksuvke - taxi (car)
  • hitlerovyets - A member of the SS or a person who is pro hitler
  • pshitomne - concious
    • nyepshitomne - unconcious
    • aniderfaln nyepshitomne - fall unconcious
  • Vloshtshizne - mirepoix
  • pralnye - Laundry, washhouse
  • granitshne - adj. border, frontier, terminal, final (border town = granitshne shtetl)
  • zemshtshen zikh (in) - take revenge (on)
  • kontshen - finishing, quitting, ending
    • mit broyt gekontshet - finished with bread, no more bread!
  • revidirn - frisk, search person, inspect
  • farkashern - roll up (cloth, sleeves)
  • Nakh'er - thereafter, then (dernokh)
  • vyorst - verst
  • opasek - a(n arm, head) band
  • sloni:ne - fatback, cut of fatty meat from a pig (bacon, lard, spek?)
  • pomotsnik - an assistant, facilitator, helper
  • prezes - chairman, president (of company)
  • morg - morgen (unit of measure)
  • makhn a revizye - searching (a property), auditing ???
  • pashport - passport
  • kantselarye - chambers, (registrar's) office?
  • pevne - certain, self assured
  • Pravde - truly, really
    • Yo, pravde iz es mir nisht gut
  • vuit sp=pr - mayor of village
  • platsuvke sp=pr - institution, outpost, establishment
  • dozortse - night watchman, janitor, caretaker
  • shvyentoshtsh - noun holiness, sanctity
  • snop - sheaf, bundle (of wheat)
  • parobek, parobke - a (hired) hand, farm hand, field hand
  • botshek - bacon
  • a yakzhe? - of course! what else? how else!? and how! Surely! (vi den?)
  • shinke - ham
  • metrike - (birth/marriage/death) certificate
  • shlyub sp=pr - nonjewish wedding
  • tartak - lumbermill, sawmill
  • vruzhke - fortune teller, palm reader, tarot cardist
  • dzhoben - pecking
  • novi rok - new year's eve
  • oleyarenye - oil mill
  • ladunek - load, cargo
  • koleyke sp=pr - queue, line
  • gegangen pr. gyegane - went
  • bodem sp=pr. - bottom (of a barrel, short o)
  • Aleynt and not aleyn
  • tyurme for turme - sp=pr prison
  • valuvke sp=pr - wałówka
  • leyngs - adverb meaning "a mol"
  • mayn rather than mer
  • shand vs shande ???
  • shu:dene (sp. shodenen) -bringing damage
  • vorn (not vurn?) for vorem (because)
  • bor'vis not bu:rfis (barefoot)
  • damane not dermonen (remind, remember)
  • bibu:'is, bilbu:'is as opposed to balabos (baal-habayit, master of the house)
  • tu:tshkyi not tatshke (wheel barrow)
  • aliva:' rather than halevay (if only)
  • avra:', avira:' אַ והאָ ראַיה (The proof is, this is the proof)
  • gida: for keday (worthwhile, compared to kyiday for kedey "in order to")
  • sga:'yis as in "sga:is kimt!" (the farmers, boors, village folk are coming)
  • gro:ln, bro:n, gro:m, flo:m, zo:me, zo:'fo, zo:fn, lo:t(how is adverb?), plo:'dorn, sho:'dorn (groyln, broyn, geroym, floym, zoymen, zoyfer, zoyfn, loyt, ploydern, shoydern)
  • fo:st, lo:z, lo:zn, to:shn(making fun of, swindling, exchanging), plo:shn, ro:shn, ho:khn (foyst, loyz, loyzn, toyshn, ployshn, royshn, hoykhn)
  • ho:khn - to breath, to exhale
    • ho:kh - a breath (more common than verb but still rarer than otem, lofty or poetic perchance?)
  • s'sho:dot mokh - I'm shaking, trembling, shuddering
    • sho:'do - a shudder (n.)
  • plo:shor, plo:shorn (a person chattering or bantering, a chatterbox)
  • brone'tor, brone'te (brunette)
  • plo:'dorvaso (ploydervaser), when someone speaks too much, (vos? host ayngenumen plodervaser?)
  • faltsh as opposed to falsh
  • dro:s for deroys (out from there, adverb)
  • di for feminine accusative and dative
  • dha:'ni - namely (dehayne)
  • kha:m kha:mdovid, khamey'nokh (chaim, chaim dovid, chaim heynekh)
  • (shra:) kha: vekayim - shray khay vekayim
  • tna: not tnay (condition)
  • mya:sh - disappointed מיאש זײַן
  • si'na: - Sinai
  • o(:)f for preposition oyf, of or if for verbal complement(iftie, ifhaybm for oyftun oyfheybn) however equal stress when if is used (if'hayb'm, if'ti'e) as opposed to (ofti'e, ofhay'bm)
  • meyo for mer (more), mayo for mer (carrot)
  • blyu: and gru: for bloy and groy
  • brum for brom (gate) (How's different to toyer?)
  • yak adverb, X yak vi X never mind X ???
  • yakosh (somehow adverb)
  • shpur (sp. shpor) - goodly, sizeable (pol. spory)
  • shklyu: (sp. shklo) - glass (material), pane
  • ludkye (sp = pr.) - a little boat, a dinghy
  • revizu:'or, kantu:'or, mu:de, milyu:'en, tu:rt, zu:de(-vaser)
  • kosh instead of koysh (basket)
  • rontshkye - a hand (diminutive. What kind of connotation??)
    • geb zhe mir di rontshke in zayn mayn man (give me your hand and be my husband)
    • firn zikh pod rontshke (walking arm in arm)
  • dernervirn and not denervirn(vex)
  • Tsu vign (pr. Tsi vi:gn) - in the cradle.
    • Ken di mamen makhn mid, gantse nakht dos kind tsu vign
    • Dos kind in shtub, loste tsu vign
  • Mentshen meaning mutshen (to torment, toil)
  • plural of korbn, korbu:nim (victims)
    • korbones also
  • onnemen pr. u:nneme - meaning to remove
  • pro. tseyrshte vs std. tsuersht - first?
  • Paneven - reign, rule, live majestically, lead a lordly life
  • komode - dresser, chest of drawers
  • odtshisk - foot corn
  • pomnik - monument
  • shminkeven - apply makeup
  • kri:'en zikh - avoid the draft, draft dodging
  • mashtsh - ointment, salve
  • senkat(e/er/n) - knotty, gnarled
  • makher - in the sense forger (underworld)
  • mentrike - birth certificate
  • sekret(e/er/n) - secret
  • damke - draughts, checkers (game)
  • reye not rey - turn (at game), row, series
  • strateg - strategist
  • pulk(n) - regiment(s)
  • pyekhote - infantry
  • unterofitser - NCO???
  • tshvitshenye(s) - exercises, drills (military, fitness also?)
  • kafe('?) - coffee
  • shteynbleybn - remain standing, rather than bleybn shteyn
  • nukh vus, tsi vus, far vus, vus???
  • tova'rishtsh(i) - comrade(s), ussr
  • rubashke, a type of Russian shirt
  • agang - verbal prefix, along
  • pomesha'f - slop pail
  • oystroyen - done up, dressed to the nines etc.
  • buntovshtshik - revolter, rebels
  • skrabne - elegantly dressed, of a woman
  • podryad - contract, outsource business use???
  • trushkafkye not truskafke ??
  • latek not latik - vagrant, bum, down on their luck
  • plagn zikh - turn tricks (prostitution), general. sweat a job, toil, work hard. Plagerin (agentive noun)
  • mamelyu, tatelyu, mameshi, tateshi
  • tshekolyade(s) - chocolate(s)
  • kolye - locomotive, train
  • onvendn not opvendn
  • fun alem - dative of everything
  • shvartser gesele - Sapiezynska
  • plot and not ployt for fence
  • pavo'le (povolne) - casually, slowly, in good time
  • shtos - jewish faro, gangster card game
  • pshidupnik - pimp, groom of the street women
  • dushkenyu - sweetheart
  • menit - minut, minute
  • donzhen - to be in time, to be able to (do something) in time
  • mizi:k' - music
  • khabu:' - borekh habo, welcome!
  • fi:snbeynkly - footstool
  • miner, farminern - less, reduce
  • gyat for gehat
  • uzhyen a velt - to enjoy life, make the most of life (zi hot uzhyet a velt, she enjoyed life)
  • Barlyant(n) - diamonds (brilyantn)
  • fo/urt??? nevertheless, still???
  • bande lokn - thick locks (of hair)
  • ציצה-כנפות tsitsi kanfes - talis kotn
  • fatset'l(ekh) - dandy, fop
  • shn(u/i)rovadle(s) - shoelace(s)
  • bay undzere aves avosayni - idiom, a long time ago, in the past
  • bam rakhtn mitn gedakhtn - idiom, at the core of the matter, the meat and potatos
  • paltn - coat
  • hantshn, hantshnmakher - glovemaker
  • foost(n), foyst(n) - mitten(s), fist(s)
  • kalash'(n) -galosh
  • inamishne, namishne - purposely, intentionally, by design
  • faltsh for falsh (false)
  • pratseven - toil, work hard
    • farpratseven - earn through toil
      • farpratsevet -working (man, woman)
  • halke - petticoat
  • shupke - overcoat
  • sa'le - parlour, big wide room
  • bu:dn - bit of earth, bit of ground beneath our feet, shtelt a problem avek oyf a gezuntn buudn
  • boydem (baydems) - attic(s)
  • bodim(s), dno(es) - bottom of container
  • denke - crown of a hat
    • hoykhe denke - high crown
  • moyshe kapoyer
  • moyshe groys
  • moyshe mekhi:yev
    • ikh bin nisht moyshe mekhi:ev! I don't owe you anything? I never asked you to do it?
    • just stam mekhieyev also, thought to be derived from (cmoy shemekhiyev)
  • a sakh zmires un veynik lokshn - a load of effort and not much result (idiom)
  • shmegde, shmegde mit tsimes, yaankl dondik, mok(pr. muk), yold, yukish (sp. yokish), yokton, yok - male fool
  • kalb, kelbu, shtik kalb, shtik fleysh - female fool
  • a shtik fleysh mit oygn - a beautiful woman who's an idiot
  • lokshn - kinder loshn for a mlamed's whip, slang for dollars
  • kaytshik - a crop, stick with a leather flap
  • Po'dlege - floor
  • ka'pete - kapote
  • ikh bin geblibn in eyn hemd - I lost everything (idiom)
  • mani:shke - shirt front
  • kravat' - cravat, tie?
  • fitshayle, vitshayle - shawl???
  • tshakn - telling tall tales, swindling, chatting up
    • tshakovski, tshak melokhe,
    • er fartshakevet mikh - he fooled me, bluffed me (successfully)
    • er tshaket az er vet geyn tsu moyshen - he's threatened to go to Moyshe
  • shmokhte - trifle, nonsense, kleynikayt, used ironically for something really expensive
    • shmokhtes mit drones emphatic
    • shmontse
  • porfolk, porfelker
  • hok(n) - hooks in clothing
  • lokhman - a wornout suit coat, a shabby looking hobo vagabond type pejoritive
  • granyiti'or, granitu:'or, 'antsu:k('antsleygl/or) suit (two-piece, three-piece)
  • kos'tyum - woman's outfit (jacket and petticoat)
  • Leyshn - pushing out/gilding/silvering letters on book binding verb
    • Leyshekhts - gold leaf for above, the letters themselves etc
  • Der lap fun oyer - earlobe
  • Latsh(n), letshl(ekh) -slipper(s)
  • Shtel - table at a market that has a covering roof as an extension of it's legs, a stall
  • Bood, baadl - Marketstall made of boards with a sack on top marquee buggy wagon for market
  • Korik, farshtekekhts, shtopokhts - cork
  • Orlyaner peyrl - finest pearls
  • Kal'kutn, yapaner - not round, wrinkled square pearls not white
  • Natn - bad pearls not worth so much not good shape not shiny, diamonds with flaws or impurities
  • Skaze(s) - blemishes, flaw in diamonds
  • Barotste - impure, cloudy diamond

Noyokh perlutski

  • Shabos mikre koydesh - a see you next tuesday, an empty headed waste of space
  • Aynzats aynzetsn - (shoe) inserts
  • A hitl mit gelt - a lot of money(idiom)
  • Hi:le - woman's coat/overcoat
  • Risland, risishe - russia(n)
  • Seybl risishe - sable
  • Sakpaltn - (sack coat??)
  • Pantelu:'en - long trousers outside the boots
  • Zoyl - sole of shoe (not podeshve)
  • Trit - varshe yiddish heel
  • Pyente(s)- polish yiddish heel
  • Tshvok tshvekes tshvekl - nail/(screw?)
  • Kostyon' - costume, (outfit?)
  • Forent - front
  • Shtivlknekht - bootstrap
  • Shmender hots - nonentity of a person, zero, irrelevant worthless
  • Gehakter rok - cloak serdet
  • Shelke(s) -braces, suspenders, hoyzntreger
  • Brune not brunem (well)
  • baleytn and not bagleytn
  • interrogative_(impersonal)_(not)_is for irrelevance/ignorance context
    • vi:-es-i:z, velkhor-es-i:z.
    • vi:-es-nisht-i:z etc.
  • dortn not dort
  • maanses not maases
  • du arimot sp. do arumert - "through here"
    • geyt arayn do arumert, vet aroys kumen dortn
    • go in this way and you'll come out there
  • shtshape(s) - billets (small bit's of firewood), bundles of fire wood
  • holebe(s) - oar(s), planks holding the horse to the cart
  • opas'ne - dangerous
  • bregn not breges
  • barik marik not barg mark
  • gantsene, hoykhene, groysene for augmentative plural (id. with hoykhe, groyse, gantse)
  • falye(s) and not khvalye(s) (waves)
  • yonken - to stutter
    • unteryonken - ???
  • polkovnik - colonel
  • rover - bicycle
  • nonye - big nose
  • tslum - cross (as opposed to tsaylem)
  • tsuhandenkumen - to go to someone in person
    • ven er kimt mir tsihande - when he comes to me in person
  • migldik - disgusting, (sick, nauseating)
  • [p/f]utseflyak - shlyokh, shmoder , sarg, a slovenly woman
  • feltshik, felshik - wormy, rotten with regard to radish
  • A khosid a tslap - crinkled, unpractical,  old fashioned, naive person
  • Shkeytolle- shekele, snuff box
  • Myeshkanye(s)-unit, apartment
  • Tsholnt - Ne'er do well, unsuccessful, lowly creature
  • Di bonifratn - crazy house, like in Perth (he should be in Graylands!) or Gotham (he belongs in arkham!)
  • Niglyen- same as miglen, disgust, bother, sicken, cause to throw up
    • s'niglyt mokh shoyn I'm gonna throw up (due to that!)
  • driko sp. (der deriker instead of der iker??)
  • tsumazhen pr. tsimazhe - smearing tsushmirn, funanandshmirn
  • briftash - brieftasche, wallet, purse
  • Aynshteyn (emetser) in de oygn - saying a "truth" that is unfavourable to the person you're telling straight to their face
    • aynshteyn a grande (emetsn in di oygn) - saying an outright lie (straight to the face)
  • shpileven - same as aynshteyn ????
  • Na grande - (ripped of, burgled) in a big way
  • Begrande, oyf grande (geyn) - on a high level, to swindle or with weapons of violence
  • כלע וויגאדעס kole vigodes - every convenience
    • Fshelkje vigodes wszelkie wygody
  • Mordevanye - struggle (noun)
  • Vemmo guts kint, "ver mir guts gient"  - of mir gezogt", after a good or beautiful thing (become for me for good willed)
  • haydamak - ruffian, robber, murderer
  • yukhe - animal blood
  • Paskitsve- eyesore, abomination, muck, mess, fright Paskudztwo
  • Fraylay - miss, not fraalaan
  • rolyet'(n) - roller shutter(n)
  • di gantse rol'e - the whole thing
  • Zargen זרקען - hurl, throw strongly
    • Zarg, der - noun of above
  • Zhmie - thin bad woman, "shtendik is zi ongedruldt of alemen" getting angry at everyone all the time
  • Toybn pr.toobn- sunflower seeds
  • Slonyetshnik- sunflower (?)
  • Srokn, skhokn, שחק'ן - deep in playing a game. Think from klezmer loshn?
  • Talirn- shuffle (cards) as opposed to "tashn"
  • Trel'fas- a very fat person, insulting
  • Tshvik royt, royt vi a tshvik(as opposed to tsvik) - very red
  • Yopn or yopen - quietly sobbing for a long time with short breaks
  • Yok'mehun-stupid shabby person, usually tall stupid boy
  • Yuvish יבש - irretrievably lost. You loant him? It's yuvish
  • Yehane- time around tammuz
  • Kham'baly' - variation of kham (boor yokel)
  • Arumregirn - acting up, being naughty(around governing?)
  • Aroysbitsheven- hitting nuts out of a little pit when one plays nuts
  • Bults, bultsak -a fat boy, fresser
  • Betshen - crying with the voice, whining, (talking nonsense, bleating)
  • Beno' dos eygene - genoy dos zelbike
  • Gratshen - scratch, claw(verb)
    • Patsh nisht un gratsh nisht! - tell to children
  • Titl(en) - gathered piles of same coins, when you're counting money, you stack coins in titlen of 1 dollar etc. the stacks of coins or chips in gambling?
  • pr. Traggje - a sort of wooden rack to carry things on, like the bed of a mes
  • pr. Treljn - flattering
    • A trel iber de gehirn(pr. geharn?)- flattering in a clever indirect way
  • Lyapen - hitting patshn
  • Vaser in oyer makhn - talking my ear off (idiom)
  • Sarg - a person dirtily dressed
    • Farsarget -made to be dirtily dressed?
  • Farprishen zikh - take dust into the eye,
    • er hot zikh farprishet dos oyg
  • Flis, flisak' - a grobyan, especially one that is both physically and spiritually grob
  • Porkra'ke - a good for nothing, a ne'er do well, he doesn't succeed at anything
  • Pifloks (mit tsvey oygn) - a foolish unkempt disheveled girl.
  • Pipitsh - a disease you get from waiting for somebody a long time
    • me krigt dem pipitsh fun aza mentsh!
  • Ko'menik- A boarder, someone who lives in a room by someone else
  • Kotse - hairy carpet, shag carpet
  • Makhn a kutshay - moving around quickly, hurriedly
    • Kutshayen-the verb, aropkutshayen but not aroyf kutshayen
  • Kuke de lokhe - a box with a hole and handle. Turn the handle and look through the hole and you see different pictures. Also a peepshow.
  • Kif - a nudge or poke in the side ?
    • Kifer - the one that does it, also a roundish piece of wood with a point that one uses to beat someone
    • Kifn - the verb
  • rentlekh - adj. neat, clean, very pure, very clean
  • Shi:bn - insert very quickly, shove it in.
    • Shi:ber - freser
  • Shmay dray- a little something, a small thing, various assortments
  • Oysrayter- the first firefighter on the scene who comes to check out the scope of the blaze and the like
  • די אותו מינוט -di oyse menit- this very moment, immediately
  • Oyskapnyeyen - אויסקאפניעיען- stretching it out, paying it off with tiny monthly payments
  • Oyfgetse:rt - karg, kleynlekh scarcely in a small way
  • Andersh nisht vi draytsn - an expression of biting opposition, no way jose??
  • Antshtanen ve:rn - to become amazed, astonished
  • Ofsha'ne bir - dark sweet beer
  • Bayrish bir - light and stronger
  • Bokhne(s) - stolen goods, wares
  • Lign banezamen - unable to move, lying paralyzed
  • Bukh - a burst out, a shoot out. When the flame bursts from the building
  • Bikle- bottle, stubby
  • Belik, der - sufit, ceiling lit. roof beam, used for the whole ceiling
  • Bendikn - make an end. I'll bendikn him (restrain, tame, curb ???)
  • Bert, di - placenta, afterbirth
  • Brokh morde- big troubles
    • "iz take brokh morde!"
  • Brosh-means the epes of below, look further ??
    • epes bistu mir haynt tsetrogn. Brosh bistu a modner mentsh.
    • "somewhat" i'd say
  • Gap - an idiot, someone who doesn't understand what's going on, an airhead
    • begapoy yovoy begapoy yaytse -that one's an idiot!
  • Geyer- goes around selling wares a pedler
  • gintsik - zeyer lieb, ikh hob im gintsik
  • Gezaltsener tish- snack table at wedding before the meal starts
  • Gemakh(n), der - a big huge building
  • An alt gemit - an old souled child
  • Onmakhn a gemit- causing disorder. Throwing the stuff on the table
  • Gestoyet - congealed (barrel of food, gefilte fish jar)
  • Griske - grus, greeting
    • gjep'm up a gryskje fyn mir!
  • Dinyukhe- very thin
  • Dinyitse - a type of pot, clay pot
  • Dempik -humid weather
  • Desbrat - desparado
  • Nemen oyf der hotske- sneak up and push someone into the air on a stick,

Taking something from someone in a sly indirect and clever way.

    • Nemsti mikh oyf der hotske!?

Krikhn oyf's kop - Taking something from someone in a sly indirect and clever way.

    • krikh mir nisht ofs kop
    • Heyvn - heybam professional midwife, wetnurse
  • Vyakhetsh, der - a big deal, a mess, a convoluted and complicated situation
    • I believe it to be from polish wiecheć
    • makh nit derfun kayn vyakhetsh
    • Probably spelled vyekhetsh, a bundle of hay or straw used to clean pots
  • Shverenish - shvere zakh ( really cargo)
  • Hak mor nisht ka pyekelik - don't bother me
  • opyekun - carer, keeper, attendant
    • Zaa nish maa opyekelik! - annoying guardian
  • יערן pronounced yoyrn
  • geshvesterkind - cousin
  • Daameneyre -damenere the honour due a woman, chivalry I guess
  • zude vaser - soda water
  • litvatshke - litvak (female?)
  • manspershoin - gentleman, man
  • froyentsimer - lady, woman
  • Maklye(n) - hit
    • oosmaklyen, oosmeyklyen
  • אויף דאס יאר - pronounced ofsyue (next year, or over the duration of a year?)
  • milekhdik - not milkhiks, dairy adj.
  • Postempove- Forward thinking, progressive, ground breaking(negative). Short jackets and speak polish.
    • Also, coarse, ugly, pornographic. Extreme enough to need za przeproszenies
  • za psheproshenyes - excuse my french, excuse me, begging your pardon
  • Printesipal'-factory, warehouse, office manager
  • Frants - fool, child, nothing, a small child
    • Gay, bist a frants! - go! You're a frants
  • Frantsn - syphilus, other such venereal diseases
    • Krigg di frantsn! - a curse
  • קאוואלעריע -kavelerie - the boys-kawalerja
  • Kamenitse - appartment building,tenement housing
  • Komornik, komornitse - (sub)lokator(in), tenant
  • Krone(n)berg - well known rich family of warsaw
    • Kronyepyerg - kronenberg
    • Er iz kronyepyerg! - he goes around too big for his boots
  • nye moge - I can't!
    • nye khtse - I don't want to
    • nye ma problema - What's the problem? No problem! That's not a problem!
    • Dzhenkuye - thank you
  • ע נאר די האווידיע איבער מיר! Annoying people jumping on me, a couple being annoying, children jumping on mum as soon as she comes in the door!
    • Pikhoeën pikhenor same
  • raptim - raptum, raptem, suddenly abrubtly
  • multiple wh-fronting only in indirect questions
    • er hot nisht gekont zen, ver mit vemenen shlogt zikh - he wasn't able to see who was fighting whom
  • Indzl pr. Inzu is neutral not male, but not diminutive
  • (dray, fir, finef) vokhn unter varshe
    • It's a lie! That's a lie! No way. Yeah right. Idiom
  • In loyvitsh
    • Khodokh in loyvitsh etc. I couldn't care less about you
  • ikh hob dikh in der erd, you're going down, I'm not afraid of you
  • Bregn not breges pl of breg
  • Kerik as well as tserik (back)
    • Sp. Krik and tsurik
  • Oykhet not oykh pr. O:khit
  • zhilet'kye(s) sp. zhiletke(s) - razor, razor blade
  • "Fin vane(n) binste?"
    • Fin vant zent ets?
    • Ets zent fin danet?
    • Whence/hence
  • Pr. Dmls and yemls for demolt(then, at that time)
  • DI gegnt
  • S'gayes - goyim from the villages, farmers yokels
  • Go:(yim) - a non-jew
    • Uru - from hebrew, yehudi beloy
  • Hetekh petekh - could have should have would have. If things were different, they wouldn't be the same
  • Randke - (romantic) date, appointment
  • Potakeven - saying yes sir, blindly agree
    • Potakever - yes man
  • Koshulke - a sweater
  • Statsye me ken - a station outside the busy areas where one can ride without a ticket because there's no inspections
  • Yak nyema riba to i rak riba - lit. If there's no fish, a crayfish is a fish - What can you do? Begger's can't be choosers.
  • Yeshtshe daleko do kol khamire - what's the rush? Lit. It's a long time yet till kol khamira
  • Yak yeytser hore napadnye to tekias kaf nye pomozhe
    • If the evil inclination attacks, a handshake won't help
    • A person's word is no security
  • gorn pr. Gu:rn - a story, floor in a building
    • Dray gorndike - three story (building)
  • Er hot in mir dos genar
    • Pr. Rotim'oskyena'
    • He took advantage of me!
  • Hendem pendem - hurriedly. Helter skelter? Er loyft hendem pendem - he runs hurriedly
  • Makht a vare! - Make way! To the side!
  • Khotshik for khotsh
  • Keynemen for dative/accusative of keyner
  • shank - closet
  • shadle milokh - Soured milk from polish zsiadłe mleko
  • a:shleyfn sp. aynshlefn - put to sleep (rather than aynshlefern)
  • skotsu kimt! sp. s'kotsl kumt - well look who it is! Look who the cat dragged in! Welcome (fam.)
  • veyo ru:ed gebrokhn sp. ver rod gebrokhn - Go to hell curse etc. lit. be broken on the wheel
  • vikhtikoro sp. vikhtikerer - more important comparative
  • Plural of bri:do is bri:dos sp. briders
  • Plural of shti:b is shti:bm sp. shtibn
  • 'kantor'zhist - an office worker
  • (d)zhontsle(s) - gum(s) of the mouth
  • heyt - condition, state
    • hob ikh zi getrofn in a heyt - I met her in quite a state??
  • Oysterlish - outlandish, bizarre, peculier
  • Yandes - conscience
    • also Yandes haleyv
  • permanent(e/er/n) - permanent
  • olivke(s) - olive(s)
  • su:tn not shotn (shade, shadow)
  • Bal darfer - needy person, poor, indigent person ?
  • A mandl eyer - 15 eggs
  • ugre(s) - eel(s)
  • panovye - gentlemen! form of address for a group of men
  • Shenik - hay mattress
  • tsilkes - rags put on before boots
  • zhike - a body of water, a river
  • Gerakhetshet - geroysht vi shtayfe kleyder oder papir ?
  • Mil'eyer - a horrible dangerous and terrible misfortune. Used ironically "es iz nisht keyn mileyer az er kumt nisht"
  • po'zhondik - order, peace. From Polish porządek
  • Sroke(s) - StY Soroke(s), magpie(s)
  • (Tse)pyeshtshen - pamper, spoil, dote on
  • Kayet sp=pr notebook
  • Srok(n) - strings that join the sides of a coat together, laces that replace buttons

Verbal inseparable prefixes(maybe some general points also)

  • da(r) - verbal prefix
    • Indicates a successful conclusion, leads to the wanted result. (dayugn, daleyenen) (German er-) and (Polish do-)
    • Indicates killing or dying (dahargene, davargn) (German er-)
    • indicates a notion of getting something (either by conscious effort or (rarely) producing the effect of coming to have it unintentionally) by specific means (dararbetn, dablikn)
    • a further amount, and additional (dagisn, dageyn[dergebn], dalon[derlozn])
  • u(p) - verbal prefix
    • Indicates removal or quitting, off, away. ugyevayne [opgeveynen](german ab-)
    • Indicates a downward movement, down.
    • Indicates from or of.
    • Indicates causing a change as a result of your action (uptreytn???, upflien, upfrishn, upgyetn)(Polish u-)
    • perfecitive generally


  • vi shpet is? What's the time
    • also ifu shpeyt is? (ifl shpet iz?)
  • aynse
  • tsvaye
  • draye
  • fi:re
  • fi'nive
  • zekse
  • zib'ine
  • akhte
  • na:ne
  • tseyne
  • ely'ive
  • tsvely'ive
  • akht farnakht - 8 in the evening
  • gut morgn until sundown.
  • polish month names

(nouns marked for dative case in Warsaw yiddish)

  • tate, tatn
  • zeyde, zeydn
  • yi:d, yidn
  • mentsh, mentshn
  • mshiekh, meshiekhn (messiah)
  • bruder, brudern
  • eygntimer, eygntimern (owner)
  • har, harn (Sir, lord, ikh dank shtark dem harn)

(feminine forms) -in is incredibly popular, pronounced -n. Not used for animals.

  • aynbrengerin, (female aynbrenger, moneywise? money maker?)
  • oysbrengerin (female oysbrenger, spendthrift)
  • arbitor'n spelled arbetorin (woman that works)
  • beytlern for betler (a female beggar, not the wife of a begger)
  • bekern: wife of a baker, or a baker herself
  • gevinerin: parturient, woman in labour (no male form)
  • gayerin(!?):
  • gendzlerin: wife of a goose merchant, or a female goose merchant
  • doktorin: wife of a doctor
  • fardi:nerin: female bread winner
  • handlerin: wife of a merchant or a female merchant/seller
  • vaynhandlerin, wife of wine seller, or female wine
  • meblhandlerin, "" furniture
  • helferin
  • mithelferin
  • vartorin
  • vartin(virtin) hostess
  • velgerin, matse roller
  • veshin, washerwoman no form with -ke
  • zogerin
  • zoyferin pr. zooforn
  • farzorgerin
  • zaygerin Mother or wetnurse
  • tsuzaygerin, (mithelferin)
  • tikerin
  • treferin
  • lignerin
  • lererin pr. leyrorn
  • makherin
  • gorsetnmakhern (corset maker)
  • gilznmakherin (pipe maker?)
  • vestlmakherin (waistcoat makers)
  • kishefmakherin
  • myakhmakherin (bellows makers)
  • kashemakherin (makes kashe??)
  • kravatnmakherin
  • monerin (female demander, plaintiff) o or u?
  • merderin (female murderer)
  • nasherin (snacker)
  • neyterin (seamstress)
  • sarverin (waitress)
  • fleysherin(butcher's wife/female butcher?)
  • flikern (plucker)
  • feldsherin (female feldsher?)
  • freserin
  • tsolerin (payer)
  • tsoyberin pr. tsooborn (enchantress)
  • kaylerin pr. kaalorn
  • kekhin pr. kakhn (female cook/maid , no form with ke)
  • kvaterin
  • koymerin (כומר priestess?)
  • farkoyfern
  • kinpetorin? kimpetu:rn?
  • shvindlerin
  • shopmfelerin
  • shtikerin, embroiderer
  • Shvegerin pr.shveygorn (sister-in-law no form with -ke suffix)
  • shi:sterin
  • shlayserin pr. shlaasorn (remove down from feathers)
  • shleperin
  • shnayderin
  • shenkerin pr. sheykorn innkeeper
  • shrayberin pr. shraaborn
  • italyener (italian)
  • tarkn (turkish)
  • inglyendern
  • risin
  • berlinerin
  • vi:nerin
  • parizsherin
  • varsheverin
  • kitnerin (from kutne)
  • lodzherin
  • lublinerin
  • harin (master's wife, mistress, hostess)
  • plo:shorn (mrs. chatterbox)

-k suffix occurs as well

  • advokatke
  • dentistke
  • vakhterke
  • velgerke
  • naftshike (nafte seller)
  • stolyeke
  • paserke (female fence)
  • putserke, pr. pits'okye (cleaner f.)
  • hitnputserke (hatmaker)
  • fisherke
  • frizirke
  • keptshike (animal head seller)
  • inditshke (turkeyhen)
  • khosidke
  • mlamidke
  • shoykhetke
  • shmadke (female convert from judaism)

Other female suffices

  • maystrove (spelling and pr. match) mayster's wife
  • haftsyake, embroiderer female
  • pshekupke, market or street seller female
  • rayf'erke, procuress, female servant broker?
  • go:'e female non-jew
  • paaorte (female farmer, poyerte)
  • Khevremante- women of the khevreman, a female khevreman
  • khasu:'re (female name, khaye-sore)

(Warsaw lowering)

  • Larne vs lernen (to learn)
  • arto vs erter (plural of ort)
  • varto vs verter (plural of vort)
  • darfo vs derfer (plural of dorf)
  • varem vs verem (plural of vorem)
  • shtartsu vs shtertsl (pot lid)
  • argo vs erger (worse)
  • farargorn vs farergern (worsen)
  • yakh vs ikh (I)
  • tarits vs terets/teyrets (excuse, resolution)
  • stsyarkye vs stsyerke (ścierka, dishcloth, cloth)
  • harsh vs hirsh/hersh (deer)
  • karts vs kerts (bushel)
  • tsarivi vs tsereven (mend, darn)
  • fartsn, fartsik, fartsu, zakhtsn, zakhtsik vs fertsn, fertsik, fertsl, zekhtsn, zekhtsik (14, 40, 1/4, 16, 60)
  • varet, vartshaft, varthanestn(?) vs virt/vert etc. (host, housekeeping)
  • varkn, varklokh vs virkn, virklekh (affect, effective)
  • tsarkly vs tsirkl (compass (drawing implement))
  • argits vs ergets (somewhere)
  • baryi vs berye (efficient skillful person בריה)
  • tarkhe vs tirkhe (hassle, effort)
  • dartsarne vs dertsernen (aggravate)
  • tarik vs terk (turkish person)
  • kartso vs kertser (shorter)
  • myakh vs myekh (miech, bellows)
  • kakhn vs kekhin (female cook)
  • shakhtn vs shekhtn (to slaughter)
  • nakht, nakhtn, ayonakhtn, (iber)nakhtikn vs nekht, nekhtn, eyernekhtn, nekhtikn (nights, yesterday, two days ago, spend the night)
  • lakht vs likht/lekht (light(s)/candle(s)
  • kakh vs kikh (kitchen)
  • tvarye vs tverye (tiberias)
  • makhu, yarmye, harshu, mariem, nakhe vs mikhl yermiye hershl miriem nekhe (names)
  • flakht, flakhtn vs flekh, flekhtn (braid, to braid)
  • grakht vs gerekht
  • gedakht vs gedikht
  • takhto vs tekhter (daughters)
  • Rakhini vs rekhenen (calculate, reckon)
  • farkhtn vs ferkhtn (fear, from german fürchten)
  • dar vs der (tuberculosis)
  • vargen vs vergen (strangle, choke)
  • lakhtsn vs lekhtsn (languish)
  • nakhbid vs nikhbed (honourable)
  • nakhpe vs nikhpe (epilepsy)
  • Markhits vs merkhets (bathhouse)
  • gedakht vs gedikht (Thick, dense, heavy)
  • gelakhtor vs gelekhter (laughter)
  • horit vs hurt (wholesale)
  • horme(s) vs hurme(s) (mass(es), pile(s))
  • forman vs furman (furman)
  • mekorif vs mekurev (a intimate, member of an entourage)
  • korits vs kurts (short)
  • zaverokhe vs zaverukhe (blizzard, snowstorm)
  • dorokh vs durkh (through)
  • khorbm vs khurbn (destruction, ruin)
  • borike vs burike (beetroot)
  • tores vs tures (mockery)
  • shtshor vs shtshur (rat)
  • bortshen vs burtshn (mutter, grumble)
  • shtorkh vs shturkh (bump, jump, jostle, (woke with a) start)

Often used "daytshmerizms"

  • alzo (so...)
  • bite (please, excuse me, what did you say?)
    • bite zeyer (yes please!)
  • layder (unfortunately, pr. ?)
  • ales vs alts (all)
  • dan - then (in that time)
  • hinzikht - regard, aspect, respect, viewpoint, concern
  • monat('n) - months
  • trots(dem) - in spite of (this. Never the less)
  • tsum bayshpil pr. tsim bayshpil - for example
  • vorshaynlekh - likely
  • shti:gn - stairs
  • yedenfals - in any case
  • zogar' - even, actually, in fact
  • Shakh - chess
  • gevezn vs geven
  • familye vs mishpokhe
  • langzam in addition to pamelekh
  • zayt (pr. za:t?) vs zint
  • merts vs marts
  • imer - always
  • Fartseyln not dertseyln (tell)
  • iberal vs umetum (everywhere)
  • groysartik pr. gro:sartik
  • nokh vs keyn (to a city, country etc.)
  • Entveder pr. Entveydo (either. Entveder oder)

Weird umlauts and unexpected sounds ey or long /e/ for expected short-open e

  • eyng, gi'eyngt, eyngor and not eng (narrow, narrowed, narrower)
  • eyrnst not ernst or arnst (earnest/serious)
  • geyng (plural of gang)
  • leyng, leyngor, leyngster not leng
  • heynge not hengen
  • heyngor (hanger)
  • heyngl (the branch of grapes, that vine bit I guess)?
  • breynge not brengen
  • shteyngl (dim. shtang)
  • eyngland, or eyngland' (england, angel land)
  • steyngye from pol. wstęga - ribbon, streamer, sash
  • eynk, eynkor (aykh, ayer)
  • beynk(l) pl.(dim.) bank
  • sheynk not shenk (sells beer and whiskey etc.)
  • sheynkye not shenken
  • gedeynkye not gedenken
  • kreynk not krenk
  • shveynkye not shvenken (rinse)
  • leynken not lenken (guide/steer) (sprain dislocate?)
  • beynke, beynkshaft not benken benkshaft (yearn for, yearning)
  • treynkye not trenken (drown?)
  • kveynklyin not kvenklen (hesitate)

initial h hypercorrection

  • ha:ln (hurry)
  • heyrsht (first)
  • harn (bother)

v ~ null

  • tsishn (not tsvishn)
  • tsugn (not tsvogn)

Details of Yiddish Interjections

  • Pronunciation of עט A form of "shpet-loshn" was to say "et-shmet" which doesn't work with a dental click. Additionally, native yiddish speakers have confirmed.
  • Pronunciation and specific use of הען
  • היי attention grabbing formula
  • אַהאַ a1.justification, 2.agreement when someone says something self evident
    • 2."afile a blinder ken zeen az ir zent a ganef!" "aha, un ikh hob aykh gezogt az ikh bin an inzhenir?"
    • 2."'arbetn' zogt er, ir zent gekumen ganvenen!" "aha, gut shabes aykh, ir hot antdekt amerike"
  • האַ expression of contempt
    • "s'iz mir gut, bay nakht zogt zi ha" - ha, come by night she says! Great idea!(sarcastic)

Yiddish Expletives for general use


Intensity of things to yell when you hurt your finger:

  • 0 - oh
  • 1 - golly
  • 2 - gosh
  • 3 - dang
  • 4 - damn it
  • 5 - god damn it to hell
  • 6 - crap
  • 7 - s***
  • 8 - f***
  • 9 - motherf*****
  • 10 - f****** c***