A random user on Wiktionary.

•Account created in: Monday, 29 May, 2023.

English pronunciation: enPR: ˌt͡ʃɪkɪn ˈo.ɹǝ.ɹjɛ

Spanish pronunciation:

  • IPA(key): /ˌt͡ʃiken oˈɾaɾja/ [ˌt͡ʃi.kẽn oˈɾa.ɾja]

Last time online: Thursday, 8 June, 2023

es Este usuario es hablante nativo de español.
pt Este utilizador tem o português como língua materna.
en-2 This user is able to contribute with an intermediate level of English.
ca-1 Aquest usuari pot contribuir amb un nivell bàsic de català.
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I'm from Brazil.

My profile in the Spanish Wiktionary.
