User:Matthias Buchmeier/de-en-x

X {letter} :: The twenty-fourth letter of the German alphabet
Xänorphika {noun} :: xaenorphica
Xanten {prop} {n} :: Xanten (city)
Xanthin {n} :: xanthine (group of alkaloids, including caffeine)
xanthochrom {adj} :: xanthochromic
Xanthogenat {n} [chemistry] :: xanthogenate, xanthate
Xaver {prop} :: given name
x-beinig {adj} :: knock-kneed
x-beliebig {adj} :: indifferent
x-beliebig {adj} :: any old
Xenia {prop} :: given name
Xenobiologie {f} :: xenobiology
Xenobiotikum {n} [chiefly in the plural] :: xenobiotics
xenoblastisch {adj} :: xenoblastic
Xenolith {m} [geology] :: xenolith
Xenon {n} :: xenon
Xenonfluorid {n} [inorganic chemistry] :: xenon fluoride
Xenonhexafluorid {n} [inorganic compound] :: xenon hexafluoride
Xenonverbindung {f} [inorganic chemistry] :: xenon compound
xenophil {adj} :: xenophilic
Xenophilie {f} :: xenophilia
xenophob {adj} :: xenophobic
Xenophobie {f} :: xenophobia
xenophobisch {adj} :: xenophobic
xenophontisch {adj} :: Xenophontic
Xenotim {m} [mineral] :: xenotime
xerografisch {adj} :: alternative form of xerographisch
xerographisch {adj} :: xerographic
xeromorph {adj} :: xeromorphic
xerophil {adj} :: xerophilic, xerophilous
xerotherm {adj} :: xerothermic
x-fach {adj} :: n-tuple
x-förmig {adj} :: X-shaped
Xi {n} :: xi (Greek letter)
XNOR-Gatter {n} [electronics] :: XNOR gate, a logic gate performing a Boolean logic XNOR operation
XOR-Gatter {n} [electronics] :: XOR gate, a logic gate performing a Boolean logic XOR operation
xte {adj} :: umpteenth, yet another; indicating a too high number of something already exist
XXO {n} [games] :: synonym of Tic-Tac-Toe
Xylem {n} :: xylem
Xylenolorange {n} :: xylenol orange
Xylitol {n} :: xylitol (an alcohol)
Xylofon {n} :: xylophone
xylografisch {adj} :: alternative form of xylographisch
xylographisch {adj} :: xylographic
Xylophon {n} :: xylophone
Xylose {f} [chemistry] :: xylose (wood sugar)
XYZ {prop} :: used to replace a random personal name when describing a possible situation or when having forgotten the name in question