User:Matthias Buchmeier/hu-en-w

w {letter} :: letter: dupla vé
W {letter} :: letter: dupla vé
Wagner {prop} :: Wagner
wagneri {adj} :: Wagnerian (of, or characteristic of Richard Wagner, or of his music)
Wales {prop} :: Wales (country)
Wallis és Futuna {prop} :: Wallis és Futuna (territory)
Washington {prop} :: Washington (state)
Washington {prop} :: Washington (capital city)
washingtoni {adj} :: Washington, in Washington, of or relating to Washington
watt {n} :: watt (derived unit of power)
WC {n} :: water closet, toilet
WC-papír {n} :: toilet paper
web {n} [computing] :: web (Internet)
webböngésző {n} [computing] :: web browser
webcím {n} :: web address, URL
webergonómia {n} [computing] :: web ergonomics (web usability)
webes {adj} :: of or related to the web (internet)
weblap {n} [computing] :: web page (a single page in a web site)
weboldal {n} [Internet] :: web page
webszerver {n} [computing] :: web server
Weimar {prop} :: Weimar (city)
werkfilm {n} :: making-of (a video featuring the behind the scenes of a show, film)
werkfotó {n} [photography] :: production still (photograph taken on the set of a movie during production)
western {n} :: western (film genre)
whisky {n} :: whisky (US, Ireland: whiskey)
WHO {prop} :: WHO (World Health Organization)
Wikipédia {prop} :: Wikipedia
wikiszótár {n} :: Wiktionary (dictionary)
William {prop} :: William
Williams {prop} :: An English and Welsh surname
williamsi {adj} :: Of or related to Williams
Wilson {prop} :: Wilson
wilsoni {adj} :: Wilsonian (of, or relating to Woodrow Wilson or his policies)
windowsos {adj} :: Windows-based (based on or working on the Windows operating system)
workshop {n} :: workshop