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# <span id="term_name"style="font-size:115%; font-weight:bold;">[[{value A - term}]]</span> <span style="color:grey;font-size:90%;font-style:italic;">({value B - description and tips on the term}) #:<!--\*Optional - more desc/tips*\--> (value C,D,E - more description and tips. you should be able to add this up to 3 times)<!--\*Optional - references*\--> <ref name="{value G - name (not needed, leave blank to remove)}">{Value F - reference info here}</ref>
  1. value A (value B lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit)
    (value C,D,E - more description and tips. you should be able to add this up to 3 times) [0]

ᛤᛝᚻᛍ Updated - 17:46, 21 April 2023 (UTC) ᛍᚯᛘᚡ

  1. bababooey (hot word? this word is a meme, yes? i do not hear it all that often, like those youtube sound effect videos.)
  2. boggle eyed (having eyes that protrude outwards, like a lizard in a way. with definition of boggle, could mean wide-eyed; surprised, astonished, and/or overwhelmed when trying to believe/imagine smth, maybe confused or zoning out?)
  3. earwards (to listen with your ear toward someone? most likely to have your ear facing someone, like this: holding your hand up to the side of your ear to hear someone better)
  4. battery charger (probably SOP: best to not touch it now unless it can be proved to have another meaning other than "technology that charges batteries" or smth)
  5. bite one's nails and/or chew on one's nails (to worry or fret over something, "But don't go biting your nails over it." nail biter exists, but "bite one's nails" could maybe be added as a verb, perhaps "see also" link to "nail biter" on the page?)
  6. drive someone to drink and/or drive to drink (don't got much to say here, probably best not to add these though...)
  7. economic gardening (most likely: a method of gardening that is done for profit alone; gardening where there's a large amount of crops to make the most money?)
  8. eks dee (probably useless to create; alt spelling of XD as in: "Haha people actually have emotions so funny eks dee" -Whitekiko's example)
  9. esculate (listed as "alt form of esculent," maybe same thing as esculent (noun: sense 1)? "[...] well adapted to esculates, nonetheless.")
    (possible definitions: "[Noun - escyoulat; like dad] something fit for consumption," "[Verb - escyoulait; like bay] alt (archaic?) form of escalate,[1]" "[Noun] a division? [2]" "[Verb] "to say that something sexually escalated" (definitions.net))
  10. fanzone ("area for fans"; maybe synonym of or related to fandom? bonezone lmao)
  11. gay baby jail (a term referring to a soft-lock in a game where the player cannot move, originating from a Simpleflips stream according to Know Your Meme (more info)
    (could also refer to just a jail, usually depicted in fan art and such, like a pet carrier but for a person or smt?)
  12. highlarious (likely pronounced "hy-lar-e-us"; a humorous form of "hilarious."(hIylarious instead of hilarious))
  13. job well done (expression indicating that one did a task well or efficiently [3])
  14. keyed alike ("whether multiple keys can use the same lock"?)
  15. coordinate plane (a math term, a plane [noun, sense 2] that is used to graph points (and other terms ofc).)
    (it is typically depicted as like graphing paper with a point in the middle, marking the vertical/horizontal plane; these vertical/horizontal planes create four "quadrants" which define the value of the points inside. well, in a way.)

Glory to Arstotzka.


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Person 1: "dude i just-"
Person 2: "bababooey"
Person 1: ?
He stood there boggle-eyed. The man listened earwards to her. Her battery charger wasn't working. "Stop biting your nails over it, alright? It'll be fine."
"Hey, how about I drive you to drink with me? How does that sound?" Economic gardening was a popular type of farming in [REDACTED]. "Haha people have emotions that's so funny eks dee" They didn't want to esculate the situation. Person 1: Hey, what's a fanzone?
Person 2: shrug
(Upon soft-locking) Viewers: "welcome to the gay baby jail neerrrrd" "that's highlarious bro hahaha" "Aye, a job well done if I do say so myself!" The locks were keyed alike; Jonas could get in easily. "I'll graph on the coordinate plane, OK?"

Quotes listed

  1. ^ Likely using "esculate" as a synonym/alt form of "escalate." |
    1988, Essex Co., N.Y. Board of Supervisors, Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors of Essex County:
    It is my best guess after reviewing the Financial Forecast that this $ 41.00 per ton would esculate to $ 122.00 per ton by the year 2001.
  2. ^ It says in parenthesis "Esculate" after the word "division," so maybe it's referring to a division. |
    1822, William Daniel Conybeare, Outlines of the Geology of England and Wales, with an Introductory Compendium of the General Principles of that Science, page 338:
    ... The second division ( Esculate ) of Sternberg's first tribe 338 5 Book III . Chap . I. General view of the Coal ,
  3. ^ "Paid in full for a job well done;" He got paid in full for good work, i dunno how else to put it lol |
    2020 October 23, WL Knightly, A Savage Presence, BrixBaxter Publishing:
    “Great job in there,” he said, walking in the door that separated Ray's office from Linda's. Ray hurried around his desk and shut the door behind him so Linda couldn't eavesdrop. ... “Yessir, paid in full for a job well done.

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