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Moveable feasts

2000 English Greek Date Comment
28 Nov 1999+ + Advent - Start of Western Church year, between Advent Sunday and Christmas day
28 Nov 1999 + Advent Sunday - the Sunday nearest to November 30 (St Andrew's day) 4th Sunday before Christmas
12 Dec 1999 + Gaudete Sunday - 3rd Sunday of Advent
15 Dec 1999+ + Ember days - Wednesday, Friday and Saturday in 3rd week of Advent there are 3 other Embertides
25 Dec 2000 Christmas Day Quarter Day 6 January, old style
9 Jan 2000 + 1st Sunday after Epiphany -
10 Jan 2000 + Plough Monday - the 1st Monday after Epiphany
2 Feb 2000 Candlemas - Scottish quarter day
20 Feb 2000 + Septuagesima -
27 Feb 2000 + Sexagesima -
5 Mar 2000 + Quinquagesima -
6 Mar 2000 + Shrove Monday - day before Shrove Tuesday Collop Monday
7 Mar 2000 + Shrove Tuesday - day before Ash Wednesday Pancake Day
8 Mar 2000+ + Lent - the 46 days before Easter Quadragesima
8 Mar 2000 + Ash Wednesday - the first day of Lent, the 46th day before Easter
12 Mar 2000 + Quadragesima Sunday - the 1st Sunday in Lent
15 Mar 2000+ + Ember days - Wednesday, Friday and Saturday after the 1st Sunday in Lent there are 3 other Embertides
25 Mar 2000 Lady Day Quarter Day 6 April, old style
2 Apr 2000 + Mothering Sunday - 4th Sunday in Lent Mid-Lent Sunday
9 Apr 2000 + Passion Sunday - 5th Sunday in Lent
16 Apr 2000 + Palm Sunday - Sunday before Easter Care Sunday
20 Apr 2000 + Maundy Thursday - Thursday before Easter Holy Thursday, Sheer Thursday
21 Apr 2000 + Good Friday - Friday before Easter Holy Friday
23 Apr 2000 Easter Day Πάσχα the 1st Sunday after the paschal full moon (the full moon on or first after the vernal equinox, March 21)
30 Apr 2000 + Low Sunday Αντίπασχα 1st Sunday after Easter second Sunday of Easter
1 May 2000+ + Hocktide - the Monday and Tuesday next after Easter
15 May 2000 Whitsun - Scottish quarter day
28 May 2000 + Rogation Sunday - Sunday before Ascension Day
29 May 2000+ + Rogation days - the days between Rogation Sunday and Ascension Day - beating of the bounds gang days
1 Jun 2000 + Ascension Day - a Thursday, the 39th day after Easter, 40 days counting inclusively
4 Jun 2000 + Ascension Sunday - the Sunday after Ascension Day
11 Jun 2000 + Pentecost Πεντηκοστή the 50th day inclusive after Easter Whitsunday
12 Jun 2000 Whit Monday - the Monday following Whitsunday a old bank holiday in the UK
18 Jun 2000 + Pentecost Πεντηκοστή f (Pentikostí) the seventh Sunday after Orthodix Easter
18 Jun 2000 + Trinity Sunday - the Sunday after Pentecost
22 Jun 2000 + Corpus Christi - Thursday after octave of Pentecost (ie 11 days after Pentecost)
24 Jun 2000 Midsummer Day Quarter Day 6 July, old style
1 Aug 2000 Lammas Scottish quarter day -
29 Sep 2000 Michaelmas Day Quarter Day 11 October, old style
11 Nov 2000 Martinmas Scottish quarter day -
3 Dec 2000 + Advent Sunday - the Sunday nearest to St Andrew's day (November 30) 4th Sunday before Christmas

2000 English Greek Date Comment
13 Mar 2000+ Great Lent Μεγάλη Τεσσαρακοστή 40 days ending on the Friday before Palm Sunday Μεγάλη Νηστεία
13 Mar 2000 Clean Monday Καθαρά Δευτέρα f (Kathará Deftéra) the 48th day before the Orthodox Easter
22 Apr 2000 Lazarus Saturday Σάββατο του Λαζάρου n (Sávvato tou Lazárou) day before Palm Sunday
23 Apr 2000 Palm Sunday Κυριακή των Βαΐων f (Kyriakí ton Vaḯon)
30 Apr 2000 Easter Day Πάσχα n (Páscha) calculated using the Julian calendar
7 May 2000 Low Sunday Αντίπασχα n (Antípascha) 1st Sunday after Easter second Sunday of Easter

Fixed feasts

Date Saint, etc
1 Jan 2000 St Circumcision
5 Jan 2000 St Edward the Confessor
6 Jan 2000 St Epiphany
7 Jan 2000 St Distaff Day
7 Jan 2000 St Rock Day
8 Jan 2000 St Lucian
9 Jan 2000 St Adrian of Canterbury
13 Jan 2000 St Hilary, Bishop of Poitiers
17 Jan 2000 St Anthony the Great of Egypt
18 Jan 2000 St Prisca
19 Jan 2000 St Wulfstan
20 Jan 2000 St Fabian and Sebastian
21 Jan 2000 St Agnes
22 Jan 2000 St Vincent
25 Jan 2000 St Conversion of Paul
25 Jan 2000 St Burns' night
26 Jan 2000 St Polycarp
26 Jan 2000 St Australia Day
27 Jan 2000 St John Crysostom
1 Feb 2000 [[St Bride St Bridget
2 Feb 2000 St Purification of Virgin Mary
2 Feb 2000 St Candlemas
2 Feb 2000 St Scottish Quarter Day
3 Feb 2000 [[St Blase St Blasius
3 Feb 2000 St Anskar of Sweden
5 Feb 2000 St Agatha
6 Feb 2000 St Dorothea
10 Feb 2000 St Scholastica
14 Feb 2000 St Valentine
18 Feb 2000 St Simeon
22 Feb 2000 St Cathedra Petri
24 Feb 2000 St Matthias
28 Feb 2000 St Oswald bishop
1 Mar 2000 St David of Menevia
2 Mar 2000 St Chad/Cedde
7 Mar 2000 St Perpetua
12 Mar 2000 St Gregory
17 Mar 2000 St Patrick
18 Mar 2000 St Edward, King of West Saxons
19 Mar 2000 St Joseph
20 Mar 2000 St Cuthbert
21 Mar 2000 St Benedict
25 Mar 2000 St Annunciation of Virgin Mary
25 Mar 2000 St Lady Day
25 Mar 2000 St English Quarter Day
1 Apr 2000 St All Fools Day
3 Apr 2000 St Richard
4 Apr 2000 St Ambrose
11 Apr 2000 St Leo the Great
11 Apr 2000 St Guthlac
19 Apr 2000 St Alphege
21 Apr 2000 St Anslem
23 Apr 2000 St George
25 Apr 2000 St Mark, Evangelist
27 Apr 2000 St Anastasius
29 Apr 2000 St Translation of Edmund king
30 Apr 2000 St Catherine of Sienna
30 Apr 2000 St Walpurgis night
1 May 2000 St Philip and James the Less
1 May 2000 St May Day
2 May 2000 St Athanasius
3 May 2000 St Invention of the Cross
4 May 2000 St Ethelred
4 May 2000 St Monica
7 May 2000 St John of Beverley
12 May 2000 St Pancras
15 May 2000 St Scottish Quarter Day 'Whitsun'
19 May 2000 St Dunstan
20 May 2000 St Ethelbert king
25 May 2000 St Aldhelm of Sherborne
25 May 2000 St Trans of Francis
25 May 2000 St Urban
26 May 2000 St Augustine of Canterbury
27 May 2000 St Venerable Bede
29 May 2000 St Royal Oak Day
1 Jun 2000 St Nicomede
5 Jun 2000 St Boniface
9 Jun 2000 St Columba of Iona
9 Jun 2000 St Translation of Edmund archbishop
11 Jun 2000 St Barnabas the Apostle
13 Jun 2000 St Anthony of Padua
14 Jun 2000 St Basil
15 Jun 2000 St Eadburga
17 Jun 2000 [[St Alban St also 22 Jun
17 Jun 2000 St Botolph
20 Jun 2000 St Translation of King Edward
22 Jun 2000 [[St Alban St also 17 Jun
23 Jun 2000 [[St Ethelreda St Audrey
23 Jun 2000 St Vigil
24 Jun 2000 St Nativity of John the Baptist
24 Jun 2000 St Midsummer Day
24 Jun 2000 St English Quarter Day
28 Jun 2000 St Irenaeus of Lyons
29 Jun 2000 St Peter
29 Jun 2000 St Peter and Paul
2 Jul 2000 St Visitation of Virgin Mary
2 Jul 2000 St Swithun
3 Jul 2000 St Trans Thomas apostle
4 Jul 2000 St Trans of Martin
7 Jul 2000 St Trans Thomas Becket of Canterbury
8 Jul 2000 St Grimbold
8 Jul 2000 St Margaret queen of Scotland
11 Jul 2000 St Trans of Benedict
13 Jul 2000 St Mildred
15 Jul 2000 St Swithun translation of
15 Jul 2000 St Trans of Richard of Chichester
17 Jul 2000 St Kenelm
20 Jul 2000 St Margaret
22 Jul 2000 St Mary Magdalen
23 Jul 2000 St Apollinaris
25 Jul 2000 St James the Great
25 Jul 2000 St Christopher
26 Jul 2000 St Anne
27 Jul 2000 St Martha
1 Aug 2000 St Lammas Day
1 Aug 2000 St Scottish Quarter Day
1 Aug 2000 St Peter ad Vincula
1 Aug 2000 St Gule of August
3 Aug 2000 St Invention of St Stephen
4 Aug 2000 St Dominic
5 Aug 2000 St Oswald
6 Aug 2000 St Transfiguration
7 Aug 2000 St Name of Jesus
10 Aug 2000 St Laurence
12 Aug 2000 St Clara
13 Aug 2000 St Hypolitas
15 Aug 2000 St Assumption of V Mary
18 Aug 2000 St Helena
19 Aug 2000 St Magnus
20 Aug 2000 St Bernard of Clairvaux
22 Aug 2000 St Timotheus and Synphorianus
24 Aug 2000 St Bartholomew
28 Aug 2000 St Augustine of Hippo
29 Aug 2000 St Beheading of John the Baptist
31 Aug 2000 St Aidan of Lindisfarne
1 Sep 2000 St Giles of Provence
1 Sep 2000 St Priscus
7 Sep 2000 St Evurtius
4 Sep 2000 St Translation of Cuthbert
8 Sep 2000 St Nativity of V Mary
13 Sep 2000 St Cyprian
14 Sep 2000 St Cornelius and Cyprian
14 Sep 2000 St Holy Cross Day
14 Sep 2000 St Holy Rood Day
14 Sep 2000 St Crouchmas
16 Sep 2000 St Ninian
16 Sep 2000 St Editha
16 Sep 2000 St Euphemia
16 Sep 2000 St Lucianus and Geminianus
17 Sep 2000 St Lambert
19 Sep 2000 St Theodore of Tarsus
21 Sep 2000 St Matthew
21 Sep 2000 St Laudus
22 Sep 2000 St Maurice
24 Sep 2000 St Conception of John Baptist
26 Sep 2000 St Cyprian
26 Sep 2000 St Cyprian and Justina
27 Sep 2000 St Cosmas and Damian
29 Sep 2000 St Michaelmas
29 Sep 2000 St Michael & All Angels
29 Sep 2000 St English Quarter Day
30 Sep 2000 [[St Jerome St Hierome ,Hieronymus
1 Oct 2000 St Remigius
1 Oct 2000 St Meliorus
4 Oct 2000 St Francis of Assisi
6 Oct 2000 St Faith
9 Oct 2000 St Denys
12 Oct 2000 St Wilfrid
13 Oct 2000 St Translation of Edward the Confessor
13 Oct 2000 St Quindene of Michaelmas
14 Oct 2000 [[St Calisto St Ceelict, Calixtus
16 Oct 2000 St Michael in Monte tumba
17 Oct 2000 [[St Ethelreda St Audrey
17 Oct 2000 St Ignatius
18 Oct 2000 St Luke
25 Oct 2000 St Crispin and Crispinian
26 Oct 2000 St Alfred
28 Oct 2000 St Simon and Jude
31 Oct 2000 St Quintin
31 Oct 2000 St Vigil
1 Nov 2000 St All Saints' Day
1 Nov 2000 St All Hallows
1 Nov 2000 St Hallowmas
2 Nov 2000 St All Souls' Day
2 Nov 2000 St Soulemas
2 Nov 2000 St Eustachius
3 Nov 2000 St Hubert
6 Nov 2000 St Leonard
11 Nov 2000 St Martin of Tours
11 Nov 2000 St Martinmas
11 Nov 2000 St Scottish Quarter Day
13 Nov 2000 St Brice - Britius
14 Nov 2000 St Erkenwald, B of London
15 Nov 2000 St Machutus
16 Nov 2000 St Edmund, archbishop
16 Nov 2000 St Margaret of Scotland
17 Nov 2000 St Hugh of Lincoln
17 Nov 2000 St Hilda
20 Nov 2000 St Edmund the King
22 Nov 2000 St Cecilia
23 Nov 2000 St Clement
23 Nov 2000 St Felicitas
25 Nov 2000 St Catherine of Alexandria
29 Nov 2000 St Vigil
30 Nov 2000 St Andrew
3 Dec 2000 St Birinus
4 Dec 2000 St Osmund
4 Dec 2000 St Clement
6 Dec 2000 St Nicholas
7 Dec 2000 St Ambrose
8 Dec 2000 St Conception of Virgin Mary
13 Dec 2000 St Lucy
13 Dec 2000 St Judoc
16 Dec 2000 St O Sapientia
17 Dec 2000 St Ignatius
21 Dec 2000 St Thomas
24 Dec 2000 St Vigil
25 Dec 2000 St Christmas Day
25 Dec 2000 St English Quarter Day
26 Dec 2000 St Stephen
27 Dec 2000 St John the Evangelist
28 Dec 2000 St Childermas
28 Dec 2000 St Holy Innocents Day
29 Dec 2000 St Thomas Becket of Canterbury
31 Dec 2000 St Silvester
31 Dec 2000 St Hogmanay

Advent Sunday St Andrew's day (November 30) or the Sunday nearest to it
Ascension Day the Thursday 39th after Easter, 40 days counting inclusively
Ascension Sunday Sunday after Ascension Day.
Ash Wednesday the first day of Lent, the 46th day before Easter
Aspiciens a longe 1st Sunday in Advent
Canite tuba 4th Sunday in Advent
Cantate domino 4th Sunday after Easter
Care, Carle Carling Sunday Passion Sunday the 5th Sunday in Lent
Carne vale period before lent
Close of Easter Sunday after Easter, Low Sunday
Collop Monday day before Shrove Tuesday. Collop is Middle English for a slice of meat]] this day was the last opportunity to eat meat before Easter.
Corpus Christi Thursday after octave of Pentecost (ie 11 days after Pentecost)
Da pacem 18th Sunday after octave of Pentecost
Daemon mutus 3rd Sunday in Lent
Easter Day ;falls on the Sunday first after the paschal full moon. The paschal full moon is the full moon which falls on or first after 21st March]] the vernal equinox.
Expectation week the week between Ascension and Whitsuntide
Gang days Rogation days]] the Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday between Rogation Sunday and Ascension Day. When the boundaries of a parish were reinforced in peoples minds by going (= ganging) around the parish boundary]] called beating the bounds.
Hock Tuesday The second Tuesday after Easter. Until the sixteenth century women seized men of the village,releasing them after payment of small ransom.
Holy Thursday Maundy Thursday, (occasionally) Ascension Day
Low Sunday 1st Sunday after Easter Clausum Pasche
Maundy Thursday Thursday before Easter Chare Thursday, Sheer Thursday, Cena domini
Mid-Lent Sunday 4th Sunday in Lent, Mothering Sunday
Misericordia domini 2nd Sunday after Easter
Palm Sunday Sunday before Easter
Pasch Easter
Paskes Easter
Passion Sunday 5th Sunday in Lent
Pentecost the seventh Sunday after Easter, Whitsunday
Plough Monday 1st Monday after 12th Day
Quadragesima Sunday first Sunday in Lent
Quarter Days, English Lady Day (25 March), Midsummer Day (24 June), Michaelmas Day (29 September), Christmas Day (25 December)
Quarter Days, English Old Style Lady Day (6 April), Old Midsummer (6 July), Old Michaelmas (11 October), Old Christmas Day (6 January)
Quarter Days, Scottish Candlemas (2 February), Whitsun (15 May), Lammas (1 August), Martinmas (11 November)
Quinquagesima Sunday Sunday before Ash Wednesday]] Κυριακή της Τυροφάγου
Rogation Sunday Sunday before Ascension Day
Rogation days the Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday between Rogation Sunday and Ascension Day. When the boundaries of a parish were reinforced in peoples minds by going around the parish boundary]] called beating the bounds.Also known as Gang Days.
Saints, Martyrs & Doctors of CoE 8 Nov
Shrove Tuesday the day before Ash Wednesday Pancake Day
Swithin/Swithun translation of "St Swithin's Day"]] 15 Jul
Whit Monday a old bank holiday in the UK, the Monday following Whitsunday, now replaced by the late spring bank holiday
Whit Sunday the seventh Sunday after Easter, Pentecost, White Sunday
Whitsun (Scotland) Scottish quarter day on 15th May