A Moot abute hweþer newtidings should be fayed or not


Hi. Please don't add invented "Anglish" stuff. We include words that are in real use; see WT:CFI. Equinox 20:42, 23 February 2021 (UTC)Reply

¿And hwat* abute [ˌʔəˈbaʊt̪] þe woꝛd «woꝛdbook»? Þat word haþ its own leafwrit, and it is an “Anglish” woꝛd, ¿so hwy can't Ich weenwisely not utter («publish») any new woꝛds of þat kynde? 🤷🏻‍♂️ Foꝛþan someone must have ashapened þat woꝛd and þen was nimmt by þe else, and þat's hwat tongedoms are mainly abute: TO MAKE NEW WORDS.😌 And þerefoꝛe yewr claim makeþ not any wits. My only goal is to make hem* folklier and widely bꝛooked, and to þose means Ich bꝛook ÞIS webstead. Yew will not stop me from putting new woꝛds, sinse speeches are flowy, goey, onwending and not steady, ¿hwy are yew trying to stop þe English speech from shifting, yew oꝛholdful wer?☺️🤔


  • Ich bewended þe spelling «wh» back to it was written in Old English for ludeloꝛish [ˌɫ̪aʊd̪ᵊˈɫ̪ɔːɹ̪ɪʃ] (phonetic) means.
  • «hem» is þe inlandish woꝛd for «þem», sinse* «þem» came from Old Noꝛsish.
  • Unfrenched spelling of þe woꝛd «since». Ich brook a spelling upshaping (reform) called «Anglish Spelling», hwich is þe best one 'ch'ave seen, alþough Ich have overhauled it slightly foꝛþan Ich have sunder goals þan its ashaper, Hurlebatte, þe Anglish Reddit's overseer and owner of a YewTube broadcast.
  • It meaneþ «myself»; for «me», as in «Þue and me» Ich bꝛook “metch”, so it would be like “Þue [ˈðaʊ] and metch”.

Damián Marcial (talk)