

Please be more careful about the definitions. e.g. 🥤 does not have two separate meanings "cup" and "straw", but just means "cup and straw" together. I'm not even sure that Wiktionary includes pictures like you are doing. Equinox 18:15, 6 January 2021 (UTC)Reply

And 🎌 isn't "Japan" but "crossed flags". Equinox 18:28, 6 January 2021 (UTC)Reply

Hi. Many of your 'definitions' are just descriptions of what a Unicode character looks like in the font you happen to be using. It may look different in other people's fonts. Also, that's not what a dictionary-worthy definition is: it should be what the symbol (not just the Unicode character) is actually used for, how it's used, and ideally supported by examples. If all we have is the Unicode definition, or a description of what the symbol looks like, then the entry is just clutter and should be deleted. Also, some of your definitions are not definitions of the symbol, but of a word the symbol may stand for, copied and pasted from the entry for that word; your "examples" don't even include the symbol! That's not appropriate either: the entry for a symbol should be about the symbol.

Please don't remove the deletion tags unless and until you make the effort to create a worthwhile definition. kwami (talk) 05:06, 13 March 2023 (UTC)Reply

It's okay, I deleted them all, it felt good, and I will do it again. We are not "Emojipedia". Equinox 06:27, 13 March 2023 (UTC)Reply
@Equinox: and @Kwamikagami: it should be what the symbol (not just the Unicode character) is actually used for, how it's used, and ideally supported by examples What would be an example of actual use of a symbol? Neel.arunabh (talk) 02:42, 14 March 2023 (UTC)Reply
I left alone all entries that had examples. You'll want some publication that uses the symbol for its intended meaning. E.g. not just a list of symbols. I'd also be happy with a ref that confirms the definition / how it's used. kwami (talk) 05:35, 14 March 2023 (UTC)Reply
Re "What would be an example of actual use of a symbol?" If you read the actual freaking rules and paid 1% attention then you would know. But since you can't read (and regardless insist on contributing to a dictionary): then if I say "😉 means a winky face" that's useless, because it's just a smiley being held up as an example of something; but if you find a citable (hold on!) text that looks like "Hey, loverboy, see you tomorrow 😉" then that is useful, because it's a real piece of human text using the smiley "inline". See WT:CFI, did I say that before? Oh yes only 100 times. Equinox 09:51, 18 March 2023 (UTC)Reply
More importantly, if we were EMOJIPEDIA and just wanted to make a list of pictures and their names (without any useful information whatsoever) then we are well equipped to do this by means of code and programming. But there are other sites that do that. This site is a dictionary. Yes I'm being a jerk but you're really in the wrong place, aren't you? smiley nudge wink Equinox 09:53, 18 March 2023 (UTC)Reply