User talk:Stephen G. Brown/text4

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Yáʼátʼééh. — (greetings)
Aooʼ, yáʼátʼééh. — (yes, hello)
Háágó nił oolwoł? — (where are you driving to?)
Níléí Tótaʼgóó shił oolwoł. — (I’m going to Farmington)
Nikééʼ iihdeeshwoł, daʼ tʼáásh áko? — (I want to catch a ride with you, is that okay?)
Bíighah, aooʼ, aadę́ę́ʼ iihninááh. — (of course, come on in)
Ahéheeʼ láan, sikʼis. — (thank you much, my friend)


nabikʼíyátiʼseeking a solution or course of action through discussion
nabikʼíyáshtiʼI am talking about it
nabikʼíyáníłtiʼyou are talking about it
nayikʼíyáłtiʼhe'she is talking about it
nabikʼíyájíłtiʼa person is discussing it
nabikʼiyáátiʼit was discussed
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