Please contact me here


Hi! Template:User:wietsezuyderwijk

Hoi, Wietse, de datum van de komende vergadering van WM NL is verplaatst. Zie de kroeg. Effeietsanders 15:46, 19 January 2006 (UTC)Reply

User name


While I have no problem with your choice to change your user name, I need to point out that this is not done by simply moving the page. Your user contributions will still be under your old name, and you may not even receive a notice that you have this message. There is a special sysop function available for changing user names. Eclecticology 11:10, 22 January 2006 (UTC)Reply

Ohno! That might be the reason that he never answered my message :( I moved now the talkpage to the talkpage of his account, so he'll get the orange bar anyway. Effeietsanders 14:32, 22 January 2006 (UTC)Reply

Invitation to contribute



You might or might not already be aware that there is now a new system in place for marking translations that need to be checked (those that are suspected of being incorrect or those where it is not clear which sense(s) of a word the translations apply to). (See here for the Beer parlour discussion on this topic.)

Translations to be checked are now categorised by language. For example, Category:Translations_to_be_checked_(French) contains a list of all words where French translations need to be checked. This is designed to make the checking of these translations easier to maintain and work with.

I'm contacting everyone who has expressed an interest in working on translations or has indicated in Wiktionary:Babel that they have a good knowledge of a particular foreign language or languages.

Would you be interested in helping out with the translations to be checked for Dutch? If so, please read the page on how to check translations.

If you want to reply to this message, please do so on my talk page. Thanks for your help you can provide.

Paul G 08:29, 12 March 2006 (UTC)Reply



Hello Wietse. Definitions start with a #, not a *. Cheers! —Vildricianus 22:19, 30 April 2006 (UTC)Reply

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Secretaris oprichtingsbestuur Vereniging Wikimedia Nederland

Moved your userpage


Hello. I've moved your lowercase userpage to the correct uppercase version. The lowercase one didn't correspond to your username, and that should be avoided. Cheers, — Vildricianus 18:44, 11 June 2006 (UTC)Reply